
Friday, December 11, 2015

My Air Asia Experience

And this is MY story... I normally don't have a habit of taking airline photos, let it be their meal, wing tip, livery, crew or etc. Perhaps it is too mainstream to my taste (poyo giler), but I have to give credit to Air Asia this time around, for this few reasons :

i). They started their journey with few 'rangkap of pantun', that I personally think it is the best Malaysia touch ever. Not only I was tickled by it, I was impressed and amazed of the idea (wish it was mine!). Great job to whoever suggested/wrote/excuted it. Clap clap clap... ii). The livery on the flight I took was a nice and soft touch of Malaysia unity, coupled with the pantun = perfect combination. You got my attention alrighty!

iii). I was on board with a group of locals (Makassarese) heading to Jeddah via Air Asia (all the way, transiting in KLIA) to perform their umrah. The look on their face; having to be able to visit Tanah Suci Mekkah was priceless. Fulfillment. Satisfaction. Blessed. I pray for their safe trip to/fro, their prayers be heard/answered and may their umrah be blessed. Ameen.

iv). Love the pilot narrating the flight through-out (or should I say tour-guiding us through-out); briefing us on the timing, routes, below attractions and meal, with cheeky jokes here and there, ending it with a nasihat/pantun orang tua-tua. Keeping the journey alive, and me fully entertained.

v). How can I Ieave out the ever so friendly eye-candy cabin crew in this flight. The crew entertained a group of locals (makciks-pakciks) to a few wefies (note the word : FEW). Never tired of taking orders cum wefie-ing with the passengers. They made the makciks' day definitely, I bet the makciks and pakciks will remember this holiday for the next one year (or more).

Kudos to Captain Shahar and all AK333 crew! Keep up the good work!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Why I shouldn't blog about Fort Rotterdam, Makassar

Why I shouldn't blog about Fort Rotterdam.
"If you think blogging is easy, try being asked to blog and latter discuss about it".

Would you do it? 

Well, I did just that (without realising it, or perhaps I'm in denial). The 'instruction' given was that we have to write on the trip we did at Fort Rotterdam, and as you can see (and read [obviously I have to be the rebellious one]), am writing the whole experience (sorry guys!).

We were guided on ways/technics to start an entry, expend it and of course how best to end it - to get readers hooked and come for more. We then are tasked to write what we learnt and present it, of which will be discussed. Challenging the attendees to apply (if not master) our new found skill set. For me, my best friend - migraine decided to pay a visit. Just my luck! Cis...

I bet the organisers are wondering (provably pissed too, hahahahaa *cheeky*) on why did I not do as told. On my defence, I DID what I was told, re-angling it... I mean, why should I write about Fort Rotterdam just like everyone else if I know writting about #TravelNBlog will garner more audience (Right now... I bet you beginning to see how fantastically smart this cheeky rebellious girl is heh!?!). So I DID what I was told... (Well played Lily!).

The sessions is amazingly good, the whole 2 days I have been exchanging Whatsapp (while listening) with my brother on the session and thinking 'why not we bring it to Malaysia, and collaborate with them'... (This will be shared/updated in due time).

Anyway, back to our little excursion. One that I would like to highlight would be the Somba Opu Fort, being a UNESCO hunter and love for museums, I was looking forward to this place; whereby I hope it is a 'living museum' like those I visited in other countries. Unfortunately for me, it is not. Having said that, the potential is there.

Stories were told, opinions were shared, of the Gowa Kingdom and the Dutch colonization (and all I can think of, the way the local speaks sounded like Zainuddin from Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck, focus Lily! Focus!). As much as I wanted to sink the infos in, one thing kept popping up at the back of my mind, why don't they develop this place? Nurture it? Beautify it? Love it?! I mean, it is their history, heritage and them; the people.

We were at a beautiful Rumah Adat where I wish I can learn more about the architecture, the detailing, the history, and the adat itself. However, I couldnt locate any infos at these home, nor at the fort where we were at. Terasa rugi sangat... Frust lah jugak sikit. I guess, the next time I visit this charming city, I need Makassar Travel Blogger - Lelaki Bugis to take and show me around. Baru best kannn... Oh yah, I probably allocate half day to visit this place.

I guess the question will be, where else to visit or do when in Makassar.
Well, my answer is very simple.
Next time around, join me to explore Makassar and environ *wink*.

P/S : As you can see, the photos have nothing to do with the content. You must be curious now; of the story behind the fort and the pictures tied to this content. Nahhhh.... don't worry, I shall blog/share photos on both in due time. Stay tune.