
Sunday, June 27, 2010

Intermission - Belly Dancer, Night Safari, Chek Jawa & Shopping

Intermission… just got back from Singapore.

The coolest sight I’ve seen - belly dancer during dinner at Shiraz Mazzeh at Clarke Quay. Hehehehee….. Look at the guy’s eye level and angle… HAHHAHAAA…. MAN!

It was a business trip and I extended 2 days for a short R&R. Objectives not met…. Well… kinda.

I plan to go to Night Safari Singapore & Pulau Ubin’s Chek Jawa. Basically my sista wanted to go Night Safari (I’ve been there 2-3 times) as she have heard of it sooooo much but never been. And as for me, I wanted to go to Pulau Ubin’s Chek Jawa.

1. Night Safari - successful. My sista enjoyed it… I hate the hyena though….scary! Bought magnets for myself and sis’s friends.

2. Pulau Ubin - mission abandoned. Rain from dawn till noon. Nothing much can be done but continue sleeping… sigh

I guess aside from doing a little bit of shopping, I happily “officiate” my new bought shoes during this trip. YEAY!

Bought a new shirt to match my new shoe and my old bag (asking my sis to buy me the same brand of cap for me bird day! Hehehhee….) :D

The goods purchased there…. Mostly are the weirdest stuff that my colleague and friends always wonder why I like to buy - because..... Malaysia don’t sell or have these goods/model/size/flavour/option etc etc etc mah…
Yeah! Yeah! Weird! I know!

Even my notebook bag are weird! And CUTE! Just like moi! Heheeheheee….

I might be business traveling again in 2 weeks time; either to Bali, Taiwan & Hong Kong. Any advice for Taiwan?

Hyperlink credits : Wikipedia, Night Safari Singapore & Wild Singapore


  1. wow.. forever21!! the other day i went to 1Utama... i couldnt get anything there.. the accessories were beautiful but pricey.. sigh..

  2. the cute socks and what a notebook bag like those carried by kindy moi haha..How nice going overseas again. cheers tQ.

  3. tQ for slipping on my peels and followed Bananaz blog.

  4. The belly dancer looks yummy yum yum. = p

    Tips for Taiwan? Eat all you can at the night markets! =p

  5. ya Allahhhh banyaknyer shopping!

  6. reanaclaire,

    yeah lor, spore cheaper wor and mroe choice. sigh...


    been meaning to add you but sooo busy of late. i know... cute me cute accessories. ehehehe....

    shingo t,

    amazing huh... u shud see those in egypt. taiwan... hemm.. not halal neh.


    me is it? ehhehehe....


    ini sikit lar... nothing as compared to you.

  7. Amazing purchases :)

    Taiwan, it depends where you go. If you go to Taipei, there's soooo much to do there. I have a big Taipei post in drafts, will be published soon and you will be able to see what you can do there :)

  8. Belly dancers and toe socks? How could you go wrong?

  9. Wished I had been bitten by the travel bug long time ago when I was your age. I would have look for a career like yours ... get to travel by mixing business and leisure.

    Loved the socks and the notebook bag. Since you're into unique/unusual stuffs, perhaps you could start a business "Unusual Knick-Knacks".

  10. wow so colourful ya!!! hahahahaha night safari... nice or not? wish i could go to kenya for the real safari... hihihi

  11. definitely pick some cool items... I too love to travel!!

  12. ahhh lily,... -excuse me, my pc does not work correctly- but may be i did not understand -you bought all that777

    but your notebook bag is adorable, nothing to say. maybe you want take me with you for your next travel to bali -it's my great-great dream...

  13. wenny,

    i might just take up your ideas.... nvr tot of it. hemmm....


    kenya would be the real deal... i OSO WANT!!!


    thanks arti.... come and join me next time.


    yup! i bought all the weird stuff :P

    i know, the whole office thinks so too of my notebook bag...ahhahah....

  14. ColeAndJosephine,

    i sooo agree.... ehheheheh... nothing can go wrong with belly dancer.


    i will be waiting for more taipei post :D

  15. You can follow my green blog, where I will write many travel posts, not only about Taiwan, but also HK and Malaysia. No need to comment there, just enjoy my posts :)

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