
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

My Big Fat Glee Soul (to Greece)

It's me again, this time am very punctual, every 2-3 days blog updates right! *proud moment here* ehheh.....

This is one of the key important preparation that I MUST MUST do prior to the trip (aside from checking my passport expiry date of course); especially on a loooooooooong vacation. Which is ....

.... iPod download & sync. Very crucial, hehehe.... main concern, being bored on plane and airport. OR at night after a long day of sightseeing. Need to copy the surahs and selawatheraphy as well.

Now, I need to wait for my sis to rip this and download, then I think I am almost done with the iPod work.

Next, Gossip Girls drama series, I haven't even have time to catch Season 3, this will be the best time. Copying the whole season to my Mini Notebook (also need to wait for sis, my driver rosak lar... seksa nye). Yes, you guessed it, am taking my Mini with me! I need it to blog real time mah...

The one I DEFINITELY must download, my KOREAN DRAMA!!!! Secret Garden is a must (love my HYUN BIN), then his old drama series which I haven't seen (can you see his dimple on the cover; comel kan, kiok kiok kiok). Then only the rest if; IF I have space! Any one of you a K-Pop follower? Jom pegi Korea, JOM LER!

Oh! Oh! Oh!.... this time am doing something different, am trying to learn on photography technique (konon konon ler, cam ler terror sesangat). I figure since am going to go to an island so scenic, a country that have so much history and people with such beautiful smile; then I better have some or at least minimal knowledge on photography. If gambar tak cantek jugak, tak tau apa nak cakap... isk isk isk....

I spent my Sunday (other then napping) downloading all these on my beloved red Mini Notebook, YUP! I have a HOT RED HP Mini Notebook - Vivienne Tam edition (I don't know who she is but I love the colour though :P )


  1. :-))) It seems to me you hope to pass the voyage abraced with your hp and not walking through the tourist objects... Mmm?

  2. Hi,
    I’m sorry to be late to answer. Now, they are planning to complete cooling down nuclear power plants within this year. When this plan is successful, May will be very safe. We are angry with the delay in taking action and giving reliable information of the government.
    November and May, both seasons are very comfortable in Japan. In late November you can enjoy autumn leaves, really beautiful. In May, you will be able to have more choice to travel without concern if the plan is successful.
    I’ll leave comment if I get new information.
    Best wishes,


Love to read your trotting comments.