
Friday, December 16, 2011

501 Doesn't Mean Levi's OK!

Saw this series a couple of times, bought one for work purposes (betul, tak tipu! Hehhehe... sambil sambil tuh I layan ler). 

I won't write a review on this since I don't get paid hahhaha.... (hint) actually I feel it's subjective that's all. In other words, one version of 501 might be different from another. Or if I named a must visit places of the type I fancy schmancy might be totally different from my best travel buddy Wahidah. Yeah lar.... I love oriental country since I studied them but she doesn't, I shouldn't judge her on that kan? Reason being she enjoyed Tokyo gak apa. But it too can flip the other way ie... she managed to prove me that New Zealand was a worth while place to visit (I took the ferry from South Island to North Island tau, did any of you tried that? Cool kaaaan..... but bumpy giler despite the ferry can fit even coaches of train) when I have a wee bit of doubt (heran dak?).

So, my suggestion is to go to the bookshop, flip the book, check out the places, increase your knowledge, put back the book and gi tengok wayang cite Puss In Boots. Hahhaha...... 

Lain kali I'll update on DK Eyewitness lak yek (my favourite nih, sure bias).

By the way, do you know there was a large contest on naming the NEW wonders of the world? *wink*....


  1. U bought 1 for work purpose?? Huh?? seriuslyyyyy?? (macam susah nk caya nih hahahaha)

    Icam still asking me, if u ada video masa dlm ferry yg bumby tu..curious gile dia nk tau..hahaha..tomorrow, if u ckp pasal bullet train or what ever train dia lagi akan impress gile! (dia suka gile kat train, duk kat umah i tiap2 ari youtube tgk train nye video!! i pun tak tau nk ckp apa dah!! -- eh terlari topic plak tetibe! hahahah)

    Hmm since your entry title ada mention Levi's, rasa nak pegi beli seluar baru plak .. (hmm tetiba lagik!) hahahaha

  2. Lily,

    Kat Putrajaya ada bus nombor 501!!! Kami kata bas Levi's ;D

  3. if only i have all the money in the world, i would loveeee to travel to all places! x kira la ruins ke..island ke.. even the city (i dont really like city, tapi kalau Tokyo & New York :the only exception la kot. hihi)

    tp yeah, i like cultures & historical places more. apesal ntah.

    btw, i da tgk Puss in Boots! hihi. comel :)

  4. na,

    i beli 5 buku; 3 on IT, 1 on feng shuei & 1 on travel. supposedly bagi C-level to welcome the new year. ehheheheh bukan tuk company trip. ahhahahha....


    i dulu ada jeans 501 jek but you skali ngan bus bus! oish!!! giler orang putrajaya nih.

    btw, you tau dak, sebenar nye brand levi's tuh actually brand local dia sbb kat sana nye factory outlet you can get as low as USD10/= (sini RM300++, angin dak!) ehheheh now i wear giordano/uniqlo/etc...

  5. for work purpose tu mmg suuusaaahh nk caya hahahahha kes dengki punye pasal... hahahah

  6. Buku tu mahal...rasa macam beli tiket kapalterobang pulak hehehe.

    Nak join nak join!!!! *sambil angkat jari!

  7. biasela, 501 ke 1001 tu just marketing pitch je ye tak? tapi i believe, when it's time kita sampai jugak nnt tempat yg kita nak tu kan. at least buku2 tu bg inspiration :)

    dear, u blaja mandarin from sekolah dulu ek? any suggestion where I can learn mandarin? one of 2012 goal ni hehe...

  8. ely,

    betui ler... nnt i ambek gambo buku lain. janjiiisss


    tic pesawat ko rege rm55/= ke? ko nak gi mana? nak itut!!!


    ditto! well said! guidance on personal choice and very random.
    i belanja dari mula bercakap...

    around kl/pj ada chinese classes, its up to you nak belajo cakap or cakap+with tulis. i heard it's not easy on the itonation part but it's doable. nak recommend i tak berani, nnt i ask around for you yek

  9. Ahaksss rege tiket aa i seposen je ( tak termasuk tax ) hahahahhaha

  10. thank you lily. esok cheese cake! yummy!


    Shared.. 7 Wonders is business.. ha ha..

  12. janggel,

    saja layar kan yek... dosa tau!


    sedap dak? next red velvet.


    yg ni i agree w u. u tau kan, yg baru declare dulu, egypt protest.


Love to read your trotting comments.