
Friday, December 23, 2011

It's MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Since am not bounded to open my Christmas pressie on Christmas day; so I opened all up just now... excited giler sebab tuh ler. Most of my colleagues a non-Muslim, and somehow when they gave away gifts to family, friends and colleagues, they tend too include me as well. Baik kan... but I obviously did the same on Raya lar, I bawak kuih, rendang, ketupat for them. Fair ler kan... after all, kite rakyat Malaysia kan! *Slang minah salleh dalam cite Makanik*

They knew I like the character Stitch, so as you can see... I received a number of them goodies. Hhahahah... I loike.

The umbrella and cutlery set tuh I bought in Watson few weeks back, but the rest was pressie. So sweet of them. 

OK! My favourite in this collection is the Plugy. Apa tuh? See below....

This is the Plugy...

To be use on my handphone... (Stitch gak!)

Supposed to plug into an iPhone so that water unable to sip in, else the warranty void ler.

This is how it'll look like, can you see it?

Tah dah....

Hehhehe.... I got the hairband in Japan DisneySea as well... comei dak?


  1. i wonder if the plug will come out, but it's cute!

    omg the hairband...u ada tak shrek punya??? i rasa sume hairband jenis tu mmg santekkk...

  2. omg lily!!! hairband tu comeyyy gilerrr!!! for me, tak sesuai la kot utk pakai. muahahaha. sbb i x comey~

  3. byknye u dptt hahaha besh besh..comel lah plugy tuhhhh

    okeh pasnih i buat party theme nye mask & hairband okeh!.. hahahahha

  4. Greetings from Jakarta, Indonesia.

    OMG! So many Stitch.. Never thought you love Stitch so much. Reminds me of my best friend as she also love Stitch so much. Hahaha..

    Cute lah you pakai tue hairband. Merry Christmas to you. When are you going to Japan? Saya pun harap dapat pergi lagi xP

  5. mak ai..stitch-holic eh? hihi

    kalo i pakai hairband tu, ok dak? tp yg spongebob punye..hihi

  6. Oh mai oh maiiiii I tak penah paham karektor stitch tu, tak suke hehehehheeh. Tapi kekadang cam kiut je pulak...

    Best nye dapat diahhhhhhh.

  7. im a huge fan of Stitch too! love its merchandise to the max :D


  8. Hello~ :) I went thru for pics on your 1st page! Its amazing with travel destinations!! :)

    Merry Christmas to You!

    Meitzeu @ Facebook

    Meitzeu @ Blogspot

    Meitzeu @ Twitter

  9. kak lily, best nye banyak berjalan.
    Icam pun nak ikut pegi singapore..

  10. that's cute! ^_^

    kak lily, amacam plan jordan? jadik ke? just informing that I'll be going to Malaysia this June. =)

  11. Cowabunga! Love Stitch, got a screen saver of Stitch who sings, plyas guitar, surf and do all those naughty stuff cukup nakal nya. Happy Holidays.

  12. fatt,

    i beli kat DisneySea ari tuh, Shrek tak de, but Donkey from Madagascar ada ler. comei kan?!? So far, i tested, tak snap ler pulak plugy tuh.


    hairband tuh kene bawak gi rombongan cik rodhiah ler.


    orang comei cam i jek boleh sbb i irresistible. hhahah...

  13. ely,

    i akan ku tunggu parteyyyy mu!


    am in Japan nih... suka stutch sbb rebellious.


    i nak ckp sket... spongebob bukan takda telinga ke? ehehhe.... u pakai sluar spongebob ler kot. sure comei.

  14. janggel,

    as long as u rasa i cute, stitch tuh u tak yah kesah.


    another fan huh! YEAH!!!


    gee... thanks, same goes fr your blog too :D


    amboi! bersungguh2... kene blajor rajin sbb next form3 kan kan kan

  15. ainul,

    jan/feb rasa cam tak leh kejan... ari tuh check tix but mahai. balik june yek!??! best nye, kete jumpa yek, kabor kan bila sampai nnt.


    merry xmas & happy new year, my best chinlish blog ever and ever!

  16. Hello my best wishes for these dates as indicated
    and for the new year arrives that your wishes are met
    Happy New Year 2012!.
    A hug.

  17. lily,
    suar spongebob? aduiii..hehehehhe...
    BTW me fan spongebob...(gile malu tapi mengaku....)
    ...wah..kemain banyak adiah dapat weh????

  18. sure! *jeles baca akk dah jumpa ramai travellholic lain. hehe* nnti dah confirm tiket, sy inform lain. ^^

  19. wahh banyak nye hadiahhhhhhhhhh..nakkkkkkk jugakk....

  20. oo wowww

    hairband is very cute la lily!!!


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