
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My Camera Collection, Guess What Brand/Model?

This is an interval before my next blog entry on my previous travel - Pekan Baru... or Perth? Hemm... Anyway, I will decide later.

Not sure whether I have told or wrote before, I do own the cheapest/lowest end Lomo, YUP! I have a Lomo, similar to my sister's. I only use 2-3 times so far... kinda a failure huh! Owning one but not using - SUCKER for gadget!

Very orthodox in terms of operation. I kinda sucks at it.... Sigh....

My first digital camera HP PHOTOSMART R607, check out the brand.... surprised? You will be even more surprise on the model available. I use this in India... how good was it? Check out my India trip pics in FB or blog. Seriously, not bad!

Then I thought I need a change ie to a better one, time to upgrade I say. Bought this slim CANON IXUS i7, easy to slip into pocket or handbag. I chose a colour that is rare (like moi)... GOLD. Always the centre of conversation every time I took it out, but I gave this to bro. Used this in Jogja among others, not that good for night pics though. HP camera was better for night mode in fact, impressed neh!

NOPE! Must get another one...CANON IXUS 870iS, this stayed with me for awhile, brought it to a lot of countries; ie New Zealand, Spain, Morroco etc etc. Delivered it's best, no regrets definitely. Then it started to smell of burn everytime I uses the flash.... Time to get meself a new one. Wear & tear took place, searched for new camera begins, yet still sticking to Canon.

My current camera.... CANON S95.... Never been happier. Have all the functions I want. But greed got into the way, now eyeing on CANON S100, having said that; thinking of improving my skill with DSLR. Yuna's camera is in my top list - CANON 1100D... first excuse - COLOUR! Hahhahaha....

These are my whole collection that are still in my possession... kinda... as I gave one to my bro...
Can you see that there's one model that was not mentioned... read the below!

Guess what brand and model is this... winner gets something lar... I will think of something gadgety. The first one who guessed all correctly will win (obviously), deadline? End April.... tuh dia - LAMA NYE!

NO!!! You will not get a camera if you guessed right! Nice try, don't even bother to ask! HAHHAAH..... Good luck! Lalalalla....

PS : Anyone who loves me, can get me the Yuna camera on my bird day! MUAHAHHAH.... so that I can use in REDANG! AMIIIIN....


  1. FIRST la kan.. tak yah citer panjang2..

    meh sini aku nak jawab muahahahah

    HP PhotoSmart 945 5.3MP Digital Camera w/ 8x Optical Zoom

    Hopefully dapat lah 16Gig SD card..berani ke??

  2. huh! im second! nk jawap jugak, i know ade runner up punye adiah kan!

    hopefully saye dapat new Garmin GPS pleaseeeee...

    Brand and Model: HP Photosmart 945 - 5.3 MP digital camera.


  3. tetibe i nak teka...Canon bleh?

  4. Wah! Rupa-rupanya Si Lily pun suka beli dan collect camera. Saya pun. Gv me 5. Klu pasal hp, sya tdk ikut trend. Tapi klu pasal camera, bersemangat sya. Mungkin kot gene dari my late grandfather. Now thinking what camera to buy. Klu dah beli s100, share the review. Hehehe

    Guessing tue camera. Erm... Canon kot..

  5. tuh yg 1st dgn 2nd tuh mesti bergilir2 gune laptop kt umah, ntah2 berebut agaknye sape nak first kan~ haha bnyak gile lily kumpul camera.. camera kodak filem mase zaman skola tak simpam?

  6. Satu hobi yg mahal tu. Simpan lagi bebanyak... satu hari nanti boleh bukak muzium... :)

  7. tak nak komen atau teka kamera tapi nak like komen shah_rule jer! Hahahahhaaha......

    Go Canon! Go!

  8. hahaha...btol kata shahrule tu. u takde kamera yg guna kamera filem kodak tu ke lily? yg 400 tau so that gmbr kualiti lebih skit. LOL

  9. ala beb tak aciii.. i bukan tau gadget2 nihhhh... kalu tunjuk dpn2 pon kompom i xtau ape model nye cisss cisss cissskamera yuna tu yg tgh kuar iklan yg berkaler2 tuh ker? abang i bli satu kaler merah.. (muka idle)

  10. na ngan cawan pandai, diorang besarkan gambar camera tu, dan lihat nombor2 berkenaan, dan google. hahahaha!

    clap clap clap!

  11. chawanna,

    amboi one after another you both, cam sahhrule kata, share pc, 1 2 som dulu ke? HAHAHHAH....


    tak boleh!!!!! ehheheh..... nnt i blog the winner mlm2 sat gi.


    i dont collect in that sense but no choice lor, time to upgrade.

    you will know the verdict.

  12. shahrule,

    rasa nye ler... lombe lombe...

    ada ada, brand FUJI but the min I got my 2nd digital camera; i bagi my cuz & her dotter. i ada sebijik jek film camera tuh.


    ish! sket jek... org opis i berbelas2 diff brand, leica pun ada.... i ni cam kids play jek kot.


    CANON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! might be right, might be wrong. ehehheh tunggu malam nih

  13. john,

    adooossss.... but 1 bijik oni... dah bg cuz/niece dah pungggg....


    mewah tuh yuna nye leeer.... i jelessssss.....


    rasa nye enlarge tak dapat brand nor model. depa nih saikik kot.

  14. lily
    yang kodak kotak tuh ada?
    pakai sekali..pastu buang..
    (buang pas negative dianta cuci kat kedai laa...)
    memang tatau brand apakah itu..
    adakah HP?

  15. bukan lily, brand tu bleh dicari dengan nombor2 yg tertera...


Love to read your trotting comments.