
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Foodie | Rainbow Cupcake for John (?!?!)

My cousin sms-ed me this morning saying that she baked rainbow cupcakes for her customers and wonders whether I want any some, like DUH! Ofcos I want one some, her cupcakes are one of my favourite, aside from her super duper yummy carrot cupcake lar! You guys must must try, it's different from the normal carrot cake you've tasted (mencapub nampak!!! Hhahahha.... but really, benda sedap kene share kan kan kan).

Am a non-baker, soooo... if you want to know more, you have to ask her yourself on her site - My Domestic Bliss yah. I pandai masak air jek ok!

Travelholic Awesome Gang, Yes; this is the same cousin whom baked the delicious Red Velvet cake for our USS trip :)



  1. firsttt b4 janggel, masmz, kak anash. hehehe

  2. first of all, thank you for using my name as ur post title. really appreciate it. this is my first time i guess ppl are using my name. kekeke overst! btw, thanks again.

    wahh! u guna perkataan mencapub! u learnt a new word alrdy! lol.

    i nak cream kat atas tuh!!! looks soo yummy!!!

  3. pasnih kena guna nama John bila buat tajuk entry. retis gitu ahhaa.. huishh cam sedap aje. ekceli i tak into kek/cupkek/coklat/candy/etc ape2 la i bukan sweet tooth tp tempted plak tgk cuppies nih.. yummie..

    weh mencapub tu ape???

  4. ek ele john....
    sempat lagi nak first before us???

    aduii.serius yummy wehhh
    the cream
    the colour
    the texture
    ...really rich!!!

    suke le john tuh???

  5. OMG really looks soo yummyyyy la lily!!!

    p/s: petang nie mahu jog?

  6. menggamit sungguh kapkek tu...kalaula kak anash buat kapkek gyava lagi best....

    word Verify = airegith rempi ...dah macam mat rempit plak

  7. omaiiiiiiiii....... terBAKO jiwe dan tekak nengok kapkek rainbow tuhhhhh....... lahzatnyerrrrrrrrrr......

    hohoho..... yes! last after John, after Janggel n after k.anash! Lalalalalalala yes! ;p

  8. Yum, those look delicious and oh so colorful!


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