
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Travelholic + Bookworm = Travelworm

Just to share my travel books.... Yeah yeah! I am crazy like that.

Like seriously, don't know how to write this entry. I can't be writing on when, how, why or the book details right? Hahhahhahaaa.... So I guess, this will be a photologue entry.

Oh yah, managed to get 6x DK Eyewitness Travel Book at RM12 p/book from the Big Bad Wolf sale last week, worth it! For those who wants to know, it cost between RM100-RM150 per/book at any local book store. Happy happy joy joy!

If you notice, I have 2x Top10 Prague book, I'm willing to give a way 1x away for free, ping me if you are interested.


  1. Bestnya!!! Naper la dorang buat mAsa i tak de kat sini!

  2. masa pergi BBW tuh.. most of the titles da sold out. hu hu.

    but from your experience.. buku2 neh u read before the trip for preparation kan. bawak tak during the trip?

  3. I ada buku jamie's america & gambar cantik

  4. MAk oi!! Banyak travel reference! I only have maps to refer to tapi asyik sesat je.


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