
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Air Asia BUSAN versus GWIYOMI Craze

It's a sign! REALLY!

I just realised that Asia Asia launched their flight to Busan, Korea at the same time I saw this cute little video of Gwiyomi song, a current cutie craze wave hitting South Korea. And how did I find out about Gwiyomi? Well..... I first saw this Gwiyomi video from Elfira Loy Keek, being the usual-curious-cat-me, I google and found this YouTube video.

You guys should take a look, so super cute... bet the guys would love it.

Enjoy the video and HELLO BUSAN!!! (Thank you Air Asia)

Upload your Gwiyomi version and share :)


  1. Thank you AirAsia. I purchased a ticket to Busan too, 1k diff kalau turun kat Seoul.

    Comel kan video tu. I siap salin lirik & nak hafal bagai. Semangkit. Anyway, salam kenal.

  2. hahaha, lots of video about gwiyomi on fb

  3. i also found out about the launch yesterday...Air Asia is venturing into the Korean market...

    waiting for its direct flight to Jeju Island...

  4. BibiErr,

    salam kenal :)... comei kan! i pun rasa nak buat keek. ehheheh.... update on busan yek, i curious.


    exactly... but kinda farnie too


    i thk you can fly from JP too right :)

  5. hahahaha....sooo cute!!! gwiyomi!!


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