
Monday, October 7, 2019

Sabah | Things To Do in Kudat

Been to Sabah and covered Mantanani (you can read it here) and early of this year I was lucky to be invited to cover Tawau, Lahad Datu, Semporna and Mabul. Lucky me huh…. Yet I have not been to the famous Tip Of Borneo ie Kudat. Yup, you guessed it right, I was insanely ecstatic when I got invited to cover Kudat and Kota Belud. In my mind was – Tip of Borneo, Pasar Tamu, Tegudon Tourism Village and Too Jou. What is Too Jou? Check it out here.

Many has visited Sabah and generally would cover Kota Kinabalu, Mount Kinabalu, Kudasang and Mabul. These are the towns favourited by Malaysian. One rarely heard of Kota Belud or Kudat… So I guess it is up to me then (ceh waaahh…) to share valuable information and tips on Kudat (Kota Belud later-later lah yek). So, aside from covering Kota Kinabalu or visiting the beautiful islands such as Sipadan, Mabul, Mataking and etc, you can also make a trip to Kudat. Here are a few tips/suggestions if you are heading to Kudat. 

1. Tip of Borneo
- Best to come in the evening, then catch the beautiful sunset
- I should think sunrise will be as good, since it is…. after all…. The tip of Borneo kan.
- Come here early, an hour or so before sunset, this will give you plenty of time to take photos at daylight and at sunset

- The rocks towards the end is rather slippery so be very careful

 2. Sumangkap Gong Village
- An important Rungus tribe musical instrument
- Entrance fee is RM3 for Malaysian and RM5 for non-Malaysian.
- The giant gong weighs 980kg and took 4 gongsmith 5 weeks to complete

-  Gong was a communication tool to send signals to other villagers. Different rhythm translate to good or bad news. Eg, slow rhythm means an invitation for a drink, fast indicates danger. Dying will starts with a slow beat ascending, where else death will be slow beat, prolonged.

3. Bavanggazo Rungus Longhouse
- You can come here to look-see look-see or stay here for a night and experience Rungus lifestyle
- 3 to 3.5 hrs drive from Kota Kinabalu
- You can do a day-trip here

4. Learn surfing at Kalampunian Beach, Tip of Borneo
- We went to Blue Fin Surf And Dive
- Blue Fin offers accomoodation as well so you can stay here a d learn how to dive

- Best time to surf
>>> Southwest (May to September)
>>> Southwest monsoon (November to March)
Photo credit : Zarnizar, ashraf_suhaimi

5. Tambakan Fish Farm
- From RM180 which includes boat ride, snorkeling and lunch
- To book via travel agent or directly, I use Trek Finders Tour

- The lunch crazy giler sedap
Photo credit : Jaslin Puasa

+ Do a 2D1N trip so that you don't rush youself
+ 3D2N trip if you wish to at surfing or/and the fish farm
+ Plan well as in distance looks near but due to the road condition, it might take longer time. Buffer additional 30mins or so.
+ Self drive is highly recommended BUT dp drive safely (no speedy)
+ Do visit cultural place to support local cottage tourism (beli lah souvenir sikit 😊)
+ You can stay in Kudat, there is plenty of places to select.

So how, interesting right *wink*.

The KUDATang Blogger & Social Media Influencer Fam Trip is in collaboration with Sabah Tourism Board and all its sponsors with #GayaTravel Magazine as media coordinator.

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