
Monday, January 31, 2011

Travelholic + Bookworm = Travelworm

I have weird quirks, books!!!
Not just any book, but travel book. Don't, I repeat DO NOT take me to a bookshop, I will get all over excited! Like little kids going to toyshop. Sooo, what happen nowadays, I stop going into one, very very dangerous for me, suicidal to my wallet. And once I start ogling, I start googling, and once I start googling, I start buying (tix). Argh..... its a vicious cycle for me!

Is there a traveholic rehab or something?
I need serious help.

Loads and loads of DK travel, my favourite! Cause pic & text are of same quantity, pics look good; I shall go!

Yup! That easy to persuade me to travel, pretty much a sucker for nice pics. Oh! I would buy despite I don't travel to that particular country that soon, crazy huh! I don't mind ogling at the pics.

DK don't have book on South Korea.... arghh.... spoiler for my collection.

Yup! Plenty plenty travelbook! And this is NOT my only travel book.

Oh! Just in case you think that I am a lunatic, I DO read other books okay; REALLY. This is my favourite comic as of now, well.... I like Calvin & Hobbes as well but somehow I have softspot for cute farnie children book.

Don't you just love Zoe... ehhehe... This happens to me soooo often.

Occasionally, I do like to buy and browse thru dainty craft book, but to execute them? Nahhh....

Now.... the type of books I read (yet to) versus my sis.... I let you be the judge.

And this is my random books and half yet to even START! Arghh.... When will I be like Manglish! (Envy mode)

Obviously my sis's collection is very much different from mine, you can just sense the AGE GAP!!!!

I thought this was sweet.... Aww....

Typical scenario with sibling huh!


  1. "travelworm" I think you just created a great new word. Haahhahaha.

  2. Oh wow - what an incredible collection of travel books you have!!! Very impressive and I like your photos too. Travel Worm. Hee hee. I think you should change your name to that.

  3. haha yes you're a traveloholic and we LOVE you for that!! that's a great collection of books there sweetie...and guess what i love Calvina and Hobbes too. and you have to have to get started on the time traveller's wife....its absolutely romantic and unlike anything you'd have read before...i promise! :)

  4. And I am collecting travel books and cook books, so I share your passion, at least partly:) Novels I took from a local library-no space in my apartment for a bigger collection:)

  5. Have boobs ooops sorry.. I mean have books will what a collection of books from A-rgentina to Z-imbabwe..and other books. Betul betul bookworm..haha.

  6. The Shanner of Attention,

    apparently am good at creating all this merge stuff. hahahha...


    i might just change... hehehe..



  7. persis,

    really, ok ok ok... i shall go buy.


    i think manglish still the master yoda here.


    yeay! now i have travel book buddy.

  8. I'm lucky I can travel without books... because I usually research online, but I like comics and cartoons...

  9. I'm very impressed with your collection of travel books. It's dangerous for me to go to a bookstore, but history books are my downfall.

  10. weeehh!!! <3 books! Thanks for sharing, errr travelworm ^__^

  11. I just came home from Dublin yesterday. My next trips will go to Gran Canaria, Roma and New York

    Ever been there ?

  12. rafael,

    me too, most i will go online, but i need books when i am idle ie at restaurant/carwash/while waiting for friends... i will read my travel books then.


    i guess as much after reading your post :D


    ehheheh... thanks, appreciate you dropping by my blog.

    tommy andre nekkoy,

    rome yes, the rest nope. grand canary in spain? i've been to spain but not grand canary dhtough.

  13. lol! i hear ya! i have stacks and stacks of books (many/most of which i have not even read yet), and i keep ordering more! love books! wish i had more time to actually READ them!

  14. macam library of travel bleh jadi ni..

    INDIA and NZ? pinjammmm. hek3..

  15. My suggestion is to sell at auctions. I stopped going to the bookstore. Instead I am heading to the library! Keeping books occupies a lot of spaces and we cannot afford it anymore.
    Thanks for showing your collection.

  16. drollgirl,

    we start a club? shall we?


    dlm kete since monday.


    i like to ogle at it my room...sigh... i need help.


    belum, terengganu pun belum penah pegi ok!!!! jelessss

  17. Wow,wow,wow.... For a minute when I started reading this post..... I thought that it was me that was writing it !!!! .... until I saw the motherhood books and then I realised that it wasn't me writing after all !!
    I don't have many comic or kids books but i could have a game of "snap" with your DK books... I love, love,love. Maybe you would win as the only ones I haven't got from your collection is Italy, Seville, Greece (I never know how I don't own that one ... must have sold out ), Thailand and Beijing. I'm a late starter to top have 3 of the 12 I have.
    I had severe overspend in 2006 thanks to these books selling off the previous edition.
    If you find a DK traveholic rehab, I may need their help as well... Just done a DK count... 68. I need their telephone number quick,

  18. I lOVE those top ten travel guides and try to buy them whenever I'm visiting a new city!

  19. what a great book u have. good to know somebody with similar passion!

  20. WOW lily...this is awesome! aku tak penah lagi perasan DK guide book so pasni aku nak usha...

    AKu tatau nape aku stuck dgn LP, maybe sbb the 1st book aku dapat drpd roomate masa travel ke Spore & ever since aku addict dgn LP..phew~

    LP mmg mostly focus on input than photos, tataula nape tp aku suka LP sbb info dlm tu disusun kemas & accurate sampaikan kalau aku tak study psl sstu tempat tu pun aku tak risau sbb aku bleh cari terus info dlm tu..hahaha


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