
Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Last Emperor - Forbidden City

Some may have heard of this before, and the most popular question (aside from the size ofcoz) is how many rooms does this Forbidden City have?

9,999 ROOMS, that's what most has been told. Well I suppose the figure will varies between 9,000 to 9,999 some even say 9,999.5 (what can the .5 room be right!??!). But I guess, this is just to complement the whole mystery behind the Forbidden Palace (I mean, this what adds spice to our mundane life right?!?!?).

This is the back entrance, apparently lesser queue if we were to start from here. Oh well! Tour guide knows best.

The size? 7,800,000 sq ft.

Here is where (I believe) the scene from the "The Last Emperor" everyone heard of this movie. Sadly, I haven't watch it yet. Hahhaha....

OK! Few things I learn that nothing in my school books mentioned before.... the end-to-end distance ie from the front gate riiiiight to the end is about 2KM WALK! WHAT!!!!! This is minus all the detours you do in order to take pics, to view the rooms, the ornaments etc etc... Talk about exercising!!!! Now you know how them Chinese stays so fit and thin. Hemmmm....

Another thing that fascinates me is the Meridian Gate, why? Chinese emperors believed that they were the Sons of Heaven and therefore should live at the center of the universe. They believed the Meridian Line went through the Forbidden City, so this gate was named accordingly. Drama neh....

Oh! Let me also tell you, I was sooooo expecting to see tourist here, well.... SURPRISE SURPRISE!!!! There were plenty of tourist but they were LOCAL. HENCE, can you begin to imagine HOW HUGE this country is!?!? They can live/survive with just their own local tourist. And id you are a Caucasion, you stick out like a sore thumb, hahhahhah........

Guess who this guy is?

Hyperlink credit : Wikipedia


  1. Whoa people mountain people sea hahaha direct translation. Nice virtual tour the size is amazing. The person in your last pix? Hey that's me friends nick named Banananz Chairman Mao coz I hardly smile in my photos. :( tQ.

  2. Hey Lily, love your blouse. I noticed it actually kinda match the motifs & colors of the palace. Did you choose it intentionally?

  3. Thanks for the memories. I've been to the Forbidden City a couple of times, but all my pictures are slides. I'm going to have to convert them to digital pictures one of these days.
    The Last Emperor was a wonderful movie and a great book. I hope you get to see or read it some day.

  4. Oh my gosh, thank you soooo much for sharing your beautiful pics! I'd love to see the Forbidden City myself someday. Not sure if it will ever happen, but until then, I enjoy reading other tourists experiences there.


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