
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Day 7 | Bucharest At Night, Is It Safe?

Panjang ler pulak Day 7 nih, yeler kan, alang alang gi 3 hari jek; cover kow kow tuh (cam tak ingat donia)..... hehhehhe KIASU maximum babe!

Gambar nih cam masuk lane Dracula dak? Heeheheheh skeri gak masa tuh, idak ler jalan ujung ujung tuh; takat ambek gambo jek ler...

We all turun kat area nih sebab from top view nampak lawa, kelam kabut turun masa tuh dari top deck takut bus jalan; maklum ler; kat Europe tak sama cam Malaysia - main ikut suka nak berenti jek, depa strict giler, nak lintas jalan pun cari lintasan kuda belang okay! Skali saman kat Bucharest siang tadi is more then enough (YUP! Masih upset!) 

Turun tuh we all terus ronda ler, sini ada few pub cum restaurant; memang tempat yuppies lepak ler. We all memang tak fit in and tobat mahai kan, asal nampak cantek jek we all tangkap gambo. If tak tau we all nih tourist memang bongok ler kot.

(Sila baca signage bumbung kedai ini tuan tuan & puan puan)

Dah habis Al-Ronda, jalan on the other lane nak gi balik bus HoHo tuh, then baru jumpa signage gedabak nih... ek ellaaa... dah habis baru nampak! But kira INSTINCT TRAVELHOLIC gempak ler jugak kan, leh sense ni sure ada significant nye. HUAHAHAH.... self-justification is NO justification Cik Lily ooooiii...

Balik tuh, gebussshhhh... tito atas tilam paling best dalam trip nih - HEAVEN!

By the way, it's safe here (so far), just be street smart like in any other country yah!

Finding ways to Transylvania to visit Count Dracula... berjaya dak?


 Click HERE to view more pic on my Facebook.


  1. ui cantik nye lily oi.. teringin !

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. ok lily...i mmg sgt suka kalo jalan malam2, ade lampu spotlight simbah kat dinding bangunan tu. mmg cantik babas! Pasang tripod mmg awesome la wey. kalo nk hrpkan tgn i yg asik duk shaky ni, kirim salam jela.

    one question for u, what do u think about the best restaurant in town? propbably? hahahahha cammm haraammm!!! self acclaimed tuh x tahan! hahah

  4. "probably the best restaurant in town"? Wahhhh kelas tokei restoren tu...

    Bangunan kat sini macam tengok mimpi!! Suka.

    Anyway, malam town ni macam happening, macam sunyi *sambil garu kepala

  5. Love the pics. All looks very spectacular over there.

  6. nice pic...nice place...kena gi tempat ni gak one day InsyaAllah

  7. These are gorgeous night pictures. The color and detail are amazing.

  8. kemang,

    at first i ingat u puji i, then bila scroll gamba, ish! muka i takde puuuuuung. oh! gambooooo.... ceeeh.... ehehhe.... bangunan mmg cantek. ni guna s95 compaq canon camera jek, if dslr sure best lagi!


    sure, gi ler; then angkut i skali, dua kali, 3 kali...hahahha berkali2 pun boleh.


    if chawan u tangkap sure cantek lagi kot... somemore you guys dslr kan, i guna compaq canon camera jek...

    restaurant tuh mmg... i ngan wahidah gelak cam nak rak! hinting but subtly.. giler riak

  9. masmz,

    i agree.... "probably".... poyo yoyo-on ok!!!! just imagine, MUNGKIN nasi lemak tersedap di asia! perasan siut.

    dia cam olskool lawa lar... happening masa malam tuh tak sgt, ada area youngster kat piata uniri which abit more like tempat lepak and byk shopping. hak yang nih more to bangsar area gitus.


    thanks... its diff certainly.


    amiiiin.... insyaallah you akan pegi, nnt i give more tips if you jadik yek :)


    really, i took with my canon compaq camera. i was surprise it turned out well, i didnt even tweak.

  10. lily,
    first gambar tuh memang menyeramkan..tapi rasa cam nak dok bersila tengah2 jalan aje...

  11. Wow wee gambar malam u cun wlaupun pakai compact!!!! Syabas2!!!

    Menarik gak nampaknya Bucharest di waktu malam... (next trip ke eastern yurop plak la hahahah)

  12. anash,

    gambo first tuh abit pler... masa we all kat situ pun we all rasa semacam. takut masa dok bersila then tetiba terangkat jek. ehheheh... berani ke?


    memang no regret beli cam tuh rm1200. worth it. but i suggest you gi prague, am sure lagi lawa...

  13. john,

    shudnt be a prob, but am not taht familiar with that place.... :P called my cousin mintak direction dah td, if anything i call na to redirect.

  14. Nice pixz of the illuminated buildings at night. Lovely.

  15. aha..lily, u cantik :)

    mati la kena rejam ngan biqque ngan ely lpas ni..haha


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