
Sunday, December 11, 2011

My High Society Life in Singapore

 Singapore.... yet AGAIN!

Sounded actsy kan?!?

As you know, this is my entah berapa kali datang Singapore for work, hence am not going to update so much on Singapore unless am here on personal trip. So I will update you how my high society life here in Singapore and what I get for some travelholic and of course traveltodd.

I took the longest train gerabak I ever experience in Singapore that's for sure, I think there's about 5 coaches at least. But this is no big deal lar... I took the train to Harbour Front and swap to monorail to proceed to Universal Studio - Sentosa. Check out what I got *wink wink*.

Oh! The new Circle Line is ready and now I can get to HP office via train instead of cab. YEAY!!! Check out the NEW SINGAPORE MRT MAP (courtesy of Singapore MRT/Google).

Reached there, that's when I realised (datang sini banyak kali skarang baru noticed) that there's a map telling what is where.... cis!!! Selama nih I dok jalan cam giler wondering cam orang bodoh. Ek elaaa....

Anyway, I came here with a mission that is :

1. Get the car for Chawan (dia kirim 2-3 kali dah but luggage was heavy each time)
2. Magnets & keychain from Universal Studio for travelholic gift exchange OR contest ?!??! TUNGGGGUUU
3. Cute gift for smallest travelholic ie TRAVELTODD - Aqilah (but secret worrr)


Bump into this but dah ada dah, just so you know; there's 3 HRC in Singapore:

1. HRC at Orchard Road
2. HRC at Changi Airport
3. HRC at Sentosa Island

Pulau sekecik nih pun ada sampai TIGA. Giler apaa...

Just remembered the new ride is open - TRANSFORMER, my bro is going to be sooooo EXCITED!

 Dia suka Transformer giler!

As some of you know, I stayed at Marina Bay Sands, yang atas rupa cam kapal tuh (the top look like a ship!). For those wondering how it looks like, please check out my last year entry HERE where I came for the same conference (Yeah! It's annual). And  if you need to know on which floor the SKYPARK is located - 57th FLOOR.

OK! Let's talk about my High Society Life here *sambil flipping hair dengan muka angkuh giler & tersangat perasan*. Actually.... It's just a desert shop lar, I jek over giler. HAHHAHAH.... actually I tak masuk pun.

Saw this as well at Marina Bay Mall. Wolfgang Puck restaurant... tobat mahai kan. Jenguk pun segan, lalu je lerr...

Then.. atas sebab I know where I stand *dengan nada humble lagi sopan santun*, I am NO High Society, I pun join ler Black Sheep Society, this is more me ler kot kan... Hahhaha.... 

Sapa sedar diri and nak join????

In between the days was conferences that I need to attend thus no pic. I also thought I should share on Singapore Airport T1, T2 & T3 location AND that apparently they're building T4 as well. Banyak nye traffic kat sini, KLIA sepi jek, silap ari bulan bunyi cengkerik pun leh dengar. There's a train running between these terminals, kite should do this between KLIA & LCCT kan kan kan... gomen!

For those going to Singapore, the airlines departs from these terminal, jangan gi salah terminal lak. Check out the flight tix betul betul tau.

That's my short Singapore updates, ingat nak update blog semalam but ada kuliah agama and..... yang best nye (aside from ilmu downloading) auntie gave our family some bubur Asyura (utara/manis version). 



  1. ingatkan ape laaa tadi yang u nak sampaikan pasal high society. rupenyee restaurant! *pengsan* hahaha. takde gambar bilik ke lily? nk tgk jugak camne kat dalam tu....

  2. tak gayat ke duduk kat marina sand apetahblablabla tu? wlpun aku dah bungy jumping tp aku masih gayat...hahaha. ops!

  3. john,

    allaaa sori yek, i nih jenis tak tangkap gambo bilik. ehheheh.. i rasa cam notty & kinky jek! HAHHAHAHHAHA.... bilik biasa jek cam hotel 5 star lain. no big deal. really. mungkin sebab i travel under co byk sgt so rasa dah tak best, hotel backpackers i jakun ler... hehehe....

    cam ni lah... if you suka gamba hotel & bilik, u tgk hotel nih jek, yang lain tak yah.... sure terliuq. siriosa!

    aman hotel (view tiap location) >>>

  4. Hahahahaha i terus terbayang gaya yu kibas2kan rambut ala2 marelyn monroe *erk betol ke eja camtuh??? hahahhaa

    ooo MRT new line dah siap! senang la nak melarikan diri lagi lepas nih! suka!

    restoran tu??? hmmm rasanya tengok dr blog u pon dah segan.

  5. salam ziarah, sila lawat blog saya jika ingin membaca kisah travel ke 5 buah negara. sekian.

  6. Lily: Aqilah nak berterima kasih kat u awal2 hahahaha... tak leh tido la dia malm ni. Nanti email kat Cawan berapa kos brg dia order tu yek.. tq tq

    Oi John, hahah besepah komen ko SUH ORG DTG LAWAT BLOG KO yek..baik punya perli huhuhuhu

  7. fatt,

    i mmg gayat ok! 2 things why i dont bungy jump (1) GAYAT!!! (2) i tore my knee ligament. one of the reason that i dah tak tangkap gambo loncat.

    anyway, even masa naik lift i leh rasa gayat, i duk tingkat 44, lift dia non-stop sampai late 30ies. if kat skypark tuh lagi ler. if bukan hotel guest, kene bayor if nak naik jengok.


    i really thought entry baru 5 continent in 80 days. ahhahahha...


    gi ler... but yellow/circle line tuh tak byk impact pung.

    bab segan tuh, sama ler kite. i ngan colleague lalu jek, tak ramai org makan pun. mahai sgt kot.

  8. na,

    nanti nanti ler... on promo, ada discount. i tgk rasa comei sesangat, i beli...

    itu ler john tuh... i pun suspense gak. heheh

  9. lily! kalu i lalu kt hi society tu kan, i takkan toleh lgsg.. buat2 cam 'err ape? oo hi society? oh ok..' berlalu pegi cam bongkak gile padahal rasa kecik aje hahahahhaha

    next week kite lepak i nk bwk sami nye dino transformers tuh mintak tlg cawan transform kan.. mintak tlg aje bukan bagi kt cawan.. saja nk tayang hahahhaa

  10. Was wondering jugak ape yg High Society. Thought u registered yourself there ke hehe....

    eh car Reese tu betul2 car or the choc in form of car? Oh Reese, peanut butter and choc can never go wrong. Yum! *pegi korek my choc stock cari Reese.

  11. Lily,
    transformer dah buka , rite??!!
    hahha ni yg x sabar nak datang lagi ke USS ni...

    WOW, syiok nya stay at marina bay sand tu... nk jenjalan ke sana ntah bila nak smp haha..

    pssttt how much a room per night? :p


  13. ely,

    jangan kata you, i segan sesangat, sapa ler i nih di bumi kota singa. ahhaha...

    sami nak bagi chawan terliuq ke? cekap anak you, ditrain sejak kecil lagi.


    real car lar... if choco, i ngap dulu dah, chawan tak kan dapat!

    oh! i prefer mint rather then peanut butter. you same species with my sis ler... hantu peanut butter.


    transformer dah bukak dah, blog about it bila u gi main nnt yek. if you nak shop, gi vivo city, dalam tuh ada empress candy - ekdai choco, i selalu masuk.

    room per night tuh i tak tau ler sbb co bayar under masterbill, we dont get to see. you can google the room rate. but co selalu dpt corp rate but bukan byk pun.

  14. Salam ziarah....

    Ahakssss haduiiii blom apa-apa memang terpaksa gelak sebab salam ziarah nyer entri terbaru samessssss.....


    nape tayang bubur tu???? haduiiiii slurp slurppppp.... bubur ni lain-lain ya rupanya, ikut tempat??? yang kuning-kuning tu apa???

  15. Saya tak suka bubur... Kalao pengat saya hantu!

    Pstt; salam ziarah, jemput ke blog saya untuk membaca kisah hutan banat dan gunung ganang yang tak seberapa.

  16. great photos!!! anyway, salam kenal.. kalau nak baca my experience travel ke 46 buah negara, sila2 la singgah my blog (Aku Sebutir Pasir).. :)

  17. den ni baruuu nak gi singapore balik 23/12 ni lepas bertahun-tahun. harap2 jgn la ada yg spoilkan plan huhuhu~

    *awat bubur asyura utara awak tu lain dari bubur asyura utara mak saya ek? kitorang punye version ada kacang ijo...

  18. mas,

    i rasa ler, diarang kata kelantan ada daging and manis, wallahuallam... i tau yg nih ajek.

    btw, kuning tuh jagung. pisang pun ada but hidden.


    thanks for dropping by and compliment.


    insyallah semua selamat :D

    ada kacang ijau, terlindug tuh.

  19. janggel,

    chup! mak i panggil sanok rasa nye, org sini panggil pengat. sanok pisang i sukaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

  20. Great photos lily..salam jemput ke rumah saya, ada mee hailam sedang dihidangkan..jemput makan............

  21. ok...bubur asyura kat kelantan kaler hitam sbb guna daging. i baru dpt makan aritu. my friend bwk dr kelantan. yummy ok! mmg manis skit, takde la manis melampau.

    btw, i suka jugakk pengat pisang, ubi dan labu! omg!!! cant get enough of it ok!

    salam jemput ke rumah ku, ikan kembong goreng dan kicap ade tersedia. hahahahah

  22. so really sorry, long time no visit long time no blog :/ i hope you've been well and keep busy :) ♥


  23. na,

    salam bloghop, jemput datang rumah saya, saya akan beli makanan bila anda datang.... jangan segan.


    ye ke? bila nak salam masak tuk we all. i should make my mom cook for redang...wink wink. but i ingat nak dia masak rendang pucuk paku ikan masin.

    salam main masak masak.

    illustration peotry,

    yeah! my fav poetry girl :D how are you doing? hope you enjoying life and looking forward for xmas.

    have you any entry updates, dont remember seeing any :D

    High Society la sangattttt!

    i always think of you as someone yang sgt humble.. da jalan serata dunia, tapi bila baca post2 ye, tader ciri2 eksyen pun.

    skali bila tgk kat news feed, yu tules High Society life, i was like, 'bior betul si Lily ni..?takkan da join geng gossip girl xoxo plak'..


    tp best la baca entry singapore nih. very the detail okehhh~ i loikee~


Love to read your trotting comments.