
Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 4a | Winter Breeze in Arashiyama

Again, we left the guesthouse late (sigh)... today we took the train to Arashiyama, the trip took us 30 mins +. It was pleasant, not that many crowd visiting Arashiyama the day we were there, which fit our plan just fine. It will be a problem if it's too crowded too. Hheheheh....

We took our own sweet time walking and snapping pics at the same time. Do take note that in Japan, you are not encouraged/allowed to speak on the phone out loud in the train (even if you are not on the phone, talking out loud is rude). But you are allowed to eat though, very much different from other countries' train mannerism. But I guess this is to respect public privacy, which I kinda like it.

Once we arrived here, first thing we did was... toilet! Hahhahah.... 

We check out the surrounding and followed the crowd. Took some pics along the way, noticed that you can rent a bike here too.... ini sudah bagus but obviously not for me lar. You actually do not need to rent seriously, on foot is much better and easier.

Seriously, Arashiyama is an area where everything was done on foot; there nothing much to narrate or explain, it's pretty much scenery all the way. So, enjoy this pic blog entry...

This is the ever so famous Moon Bridge, this bridge was completed in 1934. I think it will look nicer in spring and autumn. Apparently sakura season is the best. I guess Chawanna will snap more and nice pics here, I pray hard.

Saw a man having his lunch... kesian lak... check out the drain... yes! Crystal clear clean drain! Only in JAPAN!

Going to work?

Covered one of the Unesco site - Tenryū Shiseizen-ji Temple. The construction was completed on 1345.... everything here seems old but solid and well taken care of. Hardly see any graffiti, am really impress with their discipline.

You can only smoke at this area despite that it's open ground. Told ya about discipline... believe me now?!

Grave yard.... tak tipu... in the area of tourist sightseeing, temple, gardens, lakes etc...

One word of caution, a lot of walking here; like really ALOT, wear comfy shoe and look good. For Muslim, food is impossible, please bring some snacks or pack your lunch if you plan to spend along while here. Magnet not easy (alot of shops was close when we were here). We found an fridge magnet in the biggest "tourist" shop facing the Oi River but it was super expensive.

This is the nearest hotel in Kyoto near to train, bazaar, Muslim restaurant, walking distance to Kiyomizu-dera Temple. Not sure of the price though.

Raju Restaurant, infront of Best Western Hotel, Halal sign stated outside.

 Bread shop next to Raju Restaurant, convenient.

 Bazaar is located further down from Raju Restaurant.

Cheap toiletries here! You can see it anywhere, everywhere.

Hyperlink credit : Wikipedia, Japan Guide


  1. i'm first lily!!! thank you so much for this award!!! hahaha...motif???

  2. lily, kenapa u cakap kesian kat org tgh makan lunch tu? hurm...weird for me. tp i nmpk die mcm tgh solat. boley? hahaha...

    btw, bamboo groove tu kalo kaler hijau die lagi pekat mmg lawaaa gilerrr ah! dont knw what to say...arghhh!!! i need to be there right now! ok, kiasu nak mampos! hahaha....

  3. i penah dgr jugak pasal...tidak dibenarkan bercakap kuat ketika didalam makan boleh. hahah. kat malaysia pulak makan takleh, tp cakap kuat2 adalah dibenarkan! hahaha

  4. i kat ofis ni haaa....jap lagi nk balik dah. ade me and my friend je.

  5. john,

    the guy kept looking up the road, i think he is not suppose to eat there kot. cam kelam kabut and bertinggung sambil makan. serious rasa cam kais pg makan pg; untuk mencari sesuap nasi... :(

    bamboo tuh i use 3 mode to take, hence u see the diff feel, the green and loads of brown is via colour assent. it only capture green, the rest will turn to b/w (but i tweak it to be brown on my nb ler). the other mode is poster. yg super vivid version tak upload ehhehe...

  6. i pong pelik napa u kesian sbb mkn tepi longkang kt sini sudah aktiviti semulajadik.. paling xtahan longkang kt sini busuk! hahaha.. kalu i kat sana mkn tepi longkang cam mkn tepi sungai okehh hahaha

  7. besh tuh naik tren bleh mkn tp part ckp kuat2 tuh alamak.. kena didik sami nih kalu idak dia sure cam fuiyoohhh bising2 excited dlm tren, eh bila masa aku nk pg sini pon hahahha

  8. okek lalu kt pokok buluh tu santek tp seram at the same time..

  9. Wow gambar2 sangat cantek!

    John ko sengal hahahaha.

    Pengguna2 train kat jepon semua bersopan santun.

  10. wahhh bnyak nye kedai utk shopping.. he hee..

  11. Ok tak tau nak cakap apa dah, memang nampak best je semua benda kat Kyoto ni, tak sia2 i nk spend lama kat sini huhuhuh..

    Kyoto nantikan Chawanna..(cewahhhhh)

  12. ely,

    mamat tuh kelam kabut mkn, i rasa tpt tuh tak leh lepak nor mkn kot... kesian sbb rushing nak keje. btw, keje dia seret trishaw tuh... mmg akan penat n lapar. kesian wor.

    logic nye, mknan depa tak smelly, so leh mkn, but ckp kuat will disturb the rest yg nak relax or nap dlm train. kat mesia, mknan gite berbau, ie goreng pisang, durian, jempedak etc... mmg tak leh ler...

    i jalan ok jek kan bamboo tuh, but now u ckp cam tuh, tobat takut lepas nih.


    bazaar tuh byk lane n besau ok!


    i suka kyoto sbb shops leh on foot kat where i stayed. osaka cam kl

  13. lily,
    aku rasa segano bamboo grove tu SUPER NICE!! rasanya lagi cantik dari deretan pokok kat Nami Island...

  14. fatt,

    ye ke... i tak nah gi nami island tuh, but i byg kan (base on bloggers pic)... LAWA GILER SURENYE. ehehhe.... u bila nak gi? soon kan?


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