
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Babe's Magnet! (Part 2)

An entry to share my latest addition, I actually missed a few insertions but it doesn't make very much different. Hahhah.... I believe most of travelholics and friends alike whom I know collects Fridge Magnet, here's my little collection and currently am starting on my 2nd box.

My first box and earlier entry on my many, plenty, much Fridget Magnets can be viewed HERE.

Souvenir Tips
For those going to Japan, it's hard to get Fridge Magnets here, so; the minute you see one that you like just get a few first. Stock more as you bump into any, and don't plant any hope on getting one in Disneyland/ Universal Studios yah....
Biqque, you can get those bundled ones in Asakusa souvenir area. Grab some here... you can also get a couple in Hakone if you guys plan to drop by.

Chawanna, there's a shop outside Universal Studio that sells USJ specific souvenirs (if you don't plan to go in USJ lar, it's a small shop though). And few doors next to it; you are able get a Hello Kitty Osaka magnets in a shop called Little Osaka. So far, I only see it here. Unfortunately, I stupidly gotten 2 pieces as I thought I be seeing more....sigh...

 Got this from Anna from her Italy trip.

 This is the full collection that I use for the entry, gave all away to my colleagues.
This one is for Elly - sexy mommy to be (2nd time round) who unable to join the trip.
Got this for Biqque and Chawanna as they didn't follow us to Chinatown.

First layer of my 2nd box, Greece, Romania, Japan and few souvenirs from travelholics, colleagues and friends.

2nd layer, that's the only USJ magnet available (a photoframe type). Also received 2 pieces last Friday from Javier who just visited Myanmar. Aspire to be a photographer - check out his website HERE.

My newest favourite todate. Yeah! It's a fridge magnet! Cute huh!!!


  1. Entry apakah?? iklan Churp churp?


  2. eh nombor 4 pon aku jugak????
    still confusing..what kind of entry is this...

  3. korang giler laju, ter clikc publish before starting, baduh dak? then office all... cam geram jek... ehheheh...

    ok nak gi kajang beli ketas kajang

  4. no errrrrrr......... entri fm ke nih???


  5. omg! sume comel2nyeee FM tuh! kekeke...nyesal i x beli all collection of survivors tu. blk umah terus menyesal tak sudah...have to get all those during my visit in June. yg chinatown pun i nk carikk jugakkk! kekeke

  6. fuyoooo FM donkey n frame sesame street tu gile gempak!

  7. smlm diaorg dh raid quarter of my toys collection, ni ptt you plak tunjuk kat kami2 ni..

    pleaseee nk preview real things.. he he..

  8. lilyyy magnet tu comel sgt sukaaa thankssss and magnet frame tuh mmg mengoda lahhh!!!

    i pon ade gak magnet plush toys tp bukan dr places tuh yg bosan tuh..

  9. Sah u lagi gile magnet..I beli skadar nama tempat je while u, katun2 sume ada hahaha! Yeay chinatownnn! Tx babe!

  10. john,

    ala..satu ckp, dont waste money; i didnt even keep any ok. semua bg colleague. using it for blog entry jek.


    donkey tuh, i nak sgt2; habis naik cable car kat santorini nampak few kedai jual, diff by few cent jek... then realised those tulis greece. giler cari blk kedai first yg tulis santorini. beli 2, then masa lunch; rasa tak ckp, patah balik beli again 1 more kot... ehhehe


    wake up, get up

  11. cawan,

    i akan anta fm umah antie sblm u all dtg. heheheh... kiasu & kiasi.


    hehehheh thank you... sami dah baca bukuss?


    it started with ngr ana nye plush toy magnet ntah, then other ngr pun ad..apa lagi beli ler..

  12. Lily,
    thank you for the Singapore FM...
    wlaupun pegi bersama, you still bought for me..
    giler touching tau!!!
    thank you again...
    tots that matter..ok?

  13. kcc,

    suka dak??? eheheh comei kaaaan


Love to read your trotting comments.