
Monday, April 9, 2012

Sucisonia Of Sekinchan

As promised, this will be purely photolog with minimal text as most of it has been blogged either by #travelholicawesome or in my earlier video entry HERE.

All the props and acts were put into play... Even from Kakak Coco Chanel (KCC).

Aqilah and momsy with red paddy field background. 

 The best shot for me was the loving Seiring & Sejalan couple that decided to elope after 1 baby.

Headed to where we supposed to be... Ely's hometown (Sekinchan) ie Suci's mommy. Yup! The trip was to visit Ely whom just gave birth to cutie Sucisonia Maryam.

Big brother wants the hamper for himself? Hhahahaha.... Sami dah dapat during your bird day ari tuh kannn...

This is the reason for us #travelholicawesome roadtrip trip... Bila leh travel with us nih?!?. 
"Suci, please learn the tricks from Aqilah tau!" says moi.

Sayang abang kat adek Suci.
(Apa Mas buat kat tepi tuh....?)

New traveltodd....


  1. OMG!!! cantikkk giler sume hijau! awesome! but i'm not there~

  2. elope after 1 baby? hahahaha..macam pelarian betul!!

  3. tengah skodeng secara terang-terangan kekdahnya tu... hahahahahaha

    *apa punya word veri. da ~ rencepe foloye

  4. New Traveltodd! Yeay Aqilah ada geng!
    Yeay Danny not there yeay!

  5. semua pic org2 nye comel, saye sukeee..

  6. sume pic comel2, i aje tak comel!! cisss.. iye suci nye misi berjalan start 19hb nih hihi tahun nih dlm negeri aje lah yeee

  7. wowwwwwwwwwwwwww

    lily gambar u santek yg dahsyatttt okeh....

    hmm i takde mase nie....


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