
Monday, July 23, 2012

Day 2 | Snorkeling in Redang (Redang Kalong)


Finally I get to add another 'challenging' activities to my list - SNORKELING. I know! I know! It's L.A.M.E! But, its me you are talking about, the girl who is terrified of open water (like REALLY terrified)... well, fear no more! Hehhehhe....

Honestly, I did enjoy thoroughly (Despite I was in deep shock, biar benor I snorkeled), I actually did 3 snorkeling trips (Here here, pat on me back! Mode riak). Hemm... Why all the caps? Hhehehhehe....

Anyway, I didn't take as much pictures as the rest. Don't think any of my faces appeared in the underwater camera either, sob sob.... (Mas, bayar base on appearance percentage kan kan kan?? Keh keh keh...).

A must do again and again and again. And you know what? I start checking on dive classes since the last few days. This BABE will be diving soon, real SOON! Mabul, here I come!

Muka toya tak mandi terus terjun ayer...

DEPAN MAJU!!!! Kiri, kiri, kiri kanan kiri....  Kiri, kiri, kiri kanan kiri....

Next time, pakai seluar panjang... gelaaap!

Told Janggel I have his candid shot, panic gak tadi mencari.... phew! (kesat peluh)

Ek ellaa... Mat/Minah Salleh pun senyum nak masuk gambo, kok iya pun, bagi ler FB ID... ish ish ish! Tak cekap.

 Sejibik cam gambo kat Te Anau, NZ.

Redang Kalong resort owner - A.B

I was still doubtful at this point of time... abit scared.

We were playing draw something....

Sucisonia Maryam (betul ke spelling nih?) with her Auntie Biqque

Suci with Tansree katanye. Panamera mana Tansree?

Our afternoon view...

Learnt that Redang Island consist of other smaller island. Ignorant me!

The do's and don't's ..... Remember this!!!!

Other islands in state of Terengganu
Marine Park Malaysia Fees.

Diving equipments.
Night view of our rooms

  One for the road!


  1. i tot u afraid of height? now afraid of open water skali ke? hehehe! what else? let me know, i'll plan for "better" trip hahaha! (evil mode)

  2. I know I know, she afraid of Hantu as well!

  3. biqque,

    am afraid of alot of nonsense, you'll be surprise.


    ditto! dang, kene kidnap you so that rahsia tak bocor nih.


Love to read your trotting comments.