
Friday, September 28, 2012

Hua Hin Railway Station, Thailand

Thailand trademark picture huh! Messy cables, hehhehehhe..... somehow it makes the picture looks more interesting.

My sis and I decided to take a break during the raya long holidays, after searching high and low for best air fare versus weather condition; Thailand it is. AGAIN!

Yeah! I bet you are wondering what 'weather condition' kan?

We traveled in August and after checking; some country are just not safe (political reason) or prone to heavy rainfall or typhoon. Well, we were kinda worried on flood too (remembered last year's Bangkok flood?) but alhamdulillah the weather love us.

Sis and I thought hard as this is our umpteenth time to Bangkok (apa ler sangat ada kat sana kan kan), and we feel we should do or visit somewhere different and proceed to outer Bangkok (as usual, macam tak penah buat). After searching, we agreed to go down south to the nearest town - Hua Hin

There are many attractions in Hua Hin that one can visit.... we soon found out it is not a boring place (as we earlier thought it will be). Things to do in Hua Hin are endless, and we found out on the day we were about to return to Bangkok (silap ler kan). Another visit perhaps then?

At last, we reached Hua Hin; Thailand famous beach town, 3-4 hours drive from Bangkok. 

Before I proceed, let me share you a trick.
Travel tip, if you plan to do a 4D3N trip (prefer to be longer though) and decide to do a nighter in Hua Hin. Then travel to Hua Hin (or any outskirt town for that matter) on 2nd day and return on 3rd day, this way; you can store you luggage at the same hotel. Also make sure the hotel/guesthouse/hostel offers storage facility.

My hotel is right behind the night market... yeah! Thailand pretty famous with their night market. It's like a must have in your 'Things To Do In Thailand' list, can never go wrong. Hahahhaha....

Since I visited during day time, obviously the market is err.... empty. But the ambience is superb.

Entrance from the back.

Full view, if you think this is lame; it is actually NOT!

The night market stretch (longer too) is at the back and they are trying to develop this area skew towards night market craft centre thus the artsy fartsy feel.

Since there's nothing much (at all, duh!) at the night market during day time (obviously Lily!), we figure we should just walk everywhere on foot. That's when I suddenly remembered about the famous Hua Hin Railway Station (สถานีรถไฟหัวหิน), rated to be the MOST BEAUTIFUL railway station in Thailand. Tuh dia.... al-changgih dak? 

Looking at the map given by the hotel (Yeah, always get free local map from hotel. works every time and it's always simpler). We start walking towards the train station, we saw a couple of interesting olskool buildings. Cool giler ok!

Very very kampung huh! Rasa cam ayam itik akan menerjah secara tetiba.... or babu keluar kejar. Hahahhaha..... They maintained it as original as possible, good work Thailand!
Saw this at a restaurant near the station, the pic is adorable but clueless what it says though.
Chup! MOTORBIKE ROADTAX. Comei dak!??!?!

First sight that got us doing cartwheel, jumping jack and back flip. The cafe by the train station. QUAINT to the max!
We should perhaps do this at KTM station huh, oldskool giler tuh!
Must check out inside mah.... my damage inside this shop. RM90!!!! On what? Well, I will tell you towards the end. Giler ok! But I can't help it.
This is the view from inside ie the track area.

Oh yah! I used 2 modes/functions for that day - NOSTALGIA & SUPER VIVID on my Canon s95.
Cool kan! Cool kan! Ke I sorang jek yang PERASAN! Iya ler tuh kan.... ehhehehhe...
Adek manis tunggu sapa? 

Main view.
Make sure Hua Hin Railway Station is in your things to do in Hua Hin list.

This is the office side.

There's a small place of worship located within the railway station compound.

My pic didn't do this view justice. It's actually felt more olskool than this.

The flooring is olskool too, need I say more.

My favourite pic so far.... tak tau kenapa though.

Twin stamps!??!?!? 
This is my RM90 damage mentioned earlier (inclusive of 2 drinks ler). Original postcard from the station cost slightly more but it was worth it ~ Every step I took, Every money I spent, Every minute writing it ~ to my friends.

Click HERE for more pictures.

More on Hua Hin Railway Station :

Hashtag : #HuaHin #Thailand #ThingsToDoIn #AttractionsIn #TravelTips #Travel #Railway #Station #Train


  1. Hua klasik sungguh stesen ketapi ni!

  2. cantik...bagus nya maintenance depa..

  3. WOW! nice la the station! kalah taiping railway station hahaha!

    got ur postcard :) tx darl!

  4. nice train station. just saw my postcard in the last photo! hehehe.

  5. oh mai....cabel dia..x ingat punye come mende tu buleh berfungsi dengan eloknye?? ufff bahaye sungguh..

    ahh thnx for the postcard lily!!! mua muah

  6. Poskad yg u hantar basah dalam posbox sampai tak nampak gambar apa.

    Anyway thanks.

  7. can see the postcard there!!
    TQ lily

  8. Cool station very much like our very own kampung. Oh saved by the bell haha..

  9. janggel,

    yup! tangkap gambo sampai habis battery ok! nak jadi kan cite, lupa bawak charger and spare. tertinggal kat bangkok hotel. cekap tak cik lily!


    tersangat bangat! leh baring tau, tanpa was was lagik. ehehheh....


    taiping taiway station? awat you tak bawak? cuba cite sikit!!??!?!

    no prob, mmg niat nak anto post card raya pun, special sket... sebab tuh kena peram. ehheheh....

  10. john,

    it is beautiful!
    heheheh.... hope you like it. penat nak agak2 sapa dapat apa. i think none are the same. bougt 25 pieces kot... or more rasa nye.


    cable diarang mmg lintang pukang sikit but ok jek, tak nah dgr orang mati so far.

    hope you like the card :)


    ler... iya ke? ok, i gi bkk nov nih i anto 2 keping ok ok ok... u tunggu jek postman tiap2 hari kat umah. ahhahahh...

  11. kcc,

    you are welcome :) hope you like it.


    helllo old friend! nice bell with an instruction not to hit the bell. ahhahha...


Love to read your trotting comments.