
Friday, September 21, 2012

Travel Tips/Fashion | 1 Shirt, 8 Ways (#Travellight)

I've blogged about travel fashion months back and I thought I'll do another entry of it. Great way to end your long weekdays (man will appreciate this I hope, beats carrying yourthe heavy luggage!). Hope this serves as a good #traveltips on how to #travellight.

As all traveler must know (especially for backpacker), it's crucial to travel light unless you are a trolley dolly like moi :) Hahhahahaaa.... So, for you ladies, who believe that we should travel in style (ceh wahhh) yet light. I hope this will be able to help you to try and experience traveling light, cheap & fashionable.

In fact, some can be improvised for those wearing hijab (headscarf). Do share if you have suggestions, I would be happy to include in the next post.

Do take note all pictures are source from Pinterest and I have difficulty finding the source, hence those of you able to identify the origin, pelase drop me a line and I will credit to the owner/site.

Cool huh! Who said you need plenty of clothes to be a travelnista. 

Fall style.
No! This is not traveling light.... hahhahah.... very fashionable though.

My personal favourite, have always love colours.

This is a scheduled post.

Hashtag : #Traveltips #travellight


  1. jeles gak tengok org pakai lawa2 mcm tu..
    t shirt jua pilihanku..he he

  2. Lilyy!!

    Nice one. Meh I nak citer. Hahaha. Normally kalau I travel, I suka google and riki-riki nak pakai apa. Hahaha. Then I came across this website yang selalu jadi my reference la kot... Hehe


    Yang niii I suka fashion from berlin la, london la apa laa... Since i bertudung, I selalu tgk je semua and mix n match... pakai jacket if sleeveless. Gitu laaa..

    Ni satu lagi memang untuk yang bertudung. I suka tgk. Tapi tatau nak pakai nya bila.. Hahaha...


    Bila I travel, I memang suka pakai colourful. Huhuh. Tanak orang nampak kita penat. Waloponnn!

    And makeup pallette... I always bawak dlm handbag. Kekdahnya boleh touch up kalau nampak tak bermaya sgt. Hahaha. You tau kan bila travel mmg penat gilos. So my basic yg I tak tgl, lipstick, blusher, eyeliner. Just nak nampakkan I ni still fresh.. waloponnn. Hahaha.

    Opps sorry terpanjang plaks...

  3. I depends on certain countries only I berfashionita. Hahaha.. For example countries like in South East Asia, normally I wore short pants only with theme cities t-Shirt cause the weather is so hot. But for countries like Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan, I suka berfashion-fashion. Like my recent trip to Hong Kong, bawa dress, 2 different handbags. Hahaha.. So, always said wanna travel light but I failed.


Love to read your trotting comments.