
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Food | #Halal Wantan Mee in PJ, #Selangorlicious

Malaysia and food.... sigh.... 

You know what, the truth is, I don't know what and how to write (Yet again. As usual. Lazy!). Being a Malaysian means you know good food, wait! You know GREAT food. We have Malay, Chinese, India and Nyonya food; AND best if it's the street food type, know what I mean *wink*. Then there's the Western food, Japanese, Korean, Middle Eastern etc etc etc.... the usual stuff. Easily put, you WILL NOT die of hunger in Malaysia (Bab nih memang confirm proud).

When #TourismSelangor held a #SelangorliciousEatOut event a couple of weeks back, I have no excuse not to go right? So go I did. Satisfied I am.

They have this fantastic place in Kelana Jaya (near FAM) that they wanted to introduce; Restoran Jamal Mohamed. I did wonder, what's so great aside from the Char Kuey Keow Aunty Gemuk and Nasi Lemak Kangkung Fariz blogged about. Kiasu-ly I join them (eksen curious dak?)....

Of ALL the food available here, this particular one caught my eye - Wantan Mee!!!! First question asked "#HALAL tak?". "Eh! Sini semua #halal lar..." replied Renuga. That's all I need to know. Story ends here as I feast myself right after. HAHAHHAHAHHA..... (Betul tak tipu, camera pun lupa bawak.... ni semua gambar dari iPhone). Burp! Alhamdulillah.

For those wondering what Wantan/Wanton/Wonton Mee is, below are pics of the food and its preparation. Kinda healthy as no frying nor oil being used.

Adam, mana burger apple nye? 


  1. Mmg dlu ddk kj hari2 duk hadap aunty gemok tuh. snonoh kan si gumuk mkn kuew tiau aunty gumuk.. mmg sodap!

  2. Thanks mentioning me and hyperlink it :)

  3. Setuju tang takdak sapa akan mati sebab kelaparan kt msia, sebab kedai makan bersepah2 hahahaha

  4. Aiyo one ton noodles too heavy lah haha. Love your new header its cool..

  5. All,

    Sorry for the delay in replying, I have been very busy this past few weeks.


    Memang sodap...actually semua sodap kan... bukan auntie tuh jek yg gomok, i pun leh gomok.


    no prob, anytime.


    if takda makanan, gi jek umah u, tuk tak.


    sifu! long time no see.... thanks on the compliment. i blur wan, nephew did it for me.

  6. Share location pliss...ttup pkul bpe ek

  7. Share location pliss...ttup pkul bpe ek

  8. Share location pliss...ttup pkul bpe ek


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