
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Responsible Travelers. Let's!!! ( #CSR )

This is not a travel entry but I do want to call out to all my families, friends, colleagues and of course fellow  travelers to be responsible to our mother nature.

When I saw this video earlier, I have so much to write, say and suggestions but now, it all went blanked (must be the doctor's med). I guess, what I wanted to write is that we should do our part as a good human being and help the best way we can. Perhaps a little CSR during our roadtrips like bringing used toys, school stationary supplies or books to be recycled. We can also carpool from point to point, not only this cut traveling cost, it also helps lessen carbon footprint. Another one I can think of on top of my head is to participate in local charity work such as reforestation, teaching or anything (can't think of anything pulak).

What I wanted to say is that, let's take baby steps and do any CSR activities during our travelers to give more meaning to our journey.

Credit : Youtube


  1. I'm totally support this.
    As a travel blogger we are the part of this cause. I mean when we write a post about natural spot/place/tourism and tell people to come to the place. lotsa people read our article and absoulutely willing to visit it.

    We can change world with our writing. let's protect our world together. be responsible travel writer and travel blogger as well :)

  2. chopp... CSR tu stand for? hehehe (tak paham short form)

  3. CSR tu stands for Corporate SOcial Responsibility.

  4. thanks so much for sharing this info. Be more responsible in writing blogs writers! customized shirts

  5. Yeay! A good call for a more responsible travel. :) Let us alltogether respect the 3Ps of the countries we visit - people, planet and profit.


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