
Monday, January 20, 2014

Tenggelamnya Kapal Van der Wijck Trip

Yes. I am crazy.
I went on a 2 days and 1 night trip to Jakarta just for this movie - Tenggelamnya Kapal Van der Wijck. Kerja giler tak?

Anyway, it was worth it. What I regretted the most was not able to catch the other 2 movies which were Soekarno and 99 Cahaya di Langit Eropa. Frust sesangat, nampak gaya kena beli DVD ler nih kan.

Movie plot (from wikipedia [sebab malas nak type, verdict I kat bawah sekali])

Zainuddin is an orphan. His Minang father died in exile after killing a relative over inheritance; his non-Minang mother has also died. He is now living with his father's friend Mak Base in Batipuh, Sumatra. As a person of mixed descent, he faces much discrimination from Minang conservatives. Although he loves Hayati, the daughter of local nobleman, he is not allowed to be with her. He decides to move to Padang Panjang, although he continues to write to Hayati.

One day, Hayati goes to Padang Panjang to see Zainuddin and stays with her friend Khadijah. However, Khadijah's elder brother Aziz falls in love with Hayati, leading to Zainuddin and Aziz to compete for Hayati's affections. Aziz, who is of purely Minang descent and a noble background, is favoured by her family; they look down on Zainuddin, who is poor and of mixed heritage. Although Zainuddin receives a sizeable inheritance from Mak Base, he is too late to inform Hayati's family, and Aziz marries her.

In despair, Zainuddin and his friend Muluk go to Java, first to Batavia and then to Surabaya, where Zainuddin becomes known as a writer and philanthropist. Aziz and Hayati also move to Surabaya, after Aziz is transferred. However, their relationship has soured and Aziz's temper leads to him being fired, leaving the couple homeless. After a period living with Zainuddin, Aziz runs away to Banyuwangi, leaving Hayati for Zainuddin; in a letter, Aziz writes that Zainuddin is more deserving.

Zainuddin, who has suffered from his longing for Hayati, spurns her and tells her to return to Sumatra. The next day she boards the Van der Wijck, which sinks off the coast of northern Java. Hearing the news, Zainuddin and Muluk rush to Tuban to search for her. They find her in a hospital, where Zainuddin and Hayati make up; she then dies in his arms. Zainuddin's health worsens not long afterwards. After he dies, he is buried next to Hayati.

So, is the movie good? Check it yourself on this Youtube.

My take? I love it. But it is in Minang language though hence it might be hard when they starts speaking in Minang totok else it's ok, similar to Malay language. Oh! And the soundtrack (OST) is fantabulous... It's from Nidji.

Now, this is my plan (kononnya). I was thinking of doing an ad-hoc trip sometime mid of this year to the towns/villages shown in this movie, I am gonna call it Tenggelamnya Kapal Van der Wijck Trip atau #TKVDWtrip (siap ada hashtag ok!). I probably need to do multiple trip though, one to Padang and another to Soerabaya (check out the spelling, oldskool gitew). 

Sama nak ikut ANGKAT TANGAN.



  1. ikut!! hehehe

    saya pun tunggu dvd 99 cahaya keluar di pasaran...oh ya lily, sementara tunggu dvdnya keluar, try baca bukunya dulu..sgt menarik..

  2. Am waiting for the 99 Cahaya as well. Memang kerja gila kan 2D1N trip just for the movie. But like u said, it's all worth it.

    Enjoyed cuci mata tengok ur pics kat IG!

  3. Nak tgk ni..ada ke jual dvd kt msia? kalu ada nk pinjam hehe

  4. wahaha ni pilem lumayan bagus emang kak.

    cuma menurut saya jika takde soundtrack musik dari nidji, ni film macam terlalu kaku..

    cinta mati sumpah mati cinta mati uwwowowowowo


  5. Uwooohh saya menangis layan wayang neh, best ;)

  6. zilla,

    siila sila... trip santai2, tak yah penah2 Nye, kite ambek feeeeel je. heheheheh

    bibie karim,

    kaaan.... nanti kalau movie tuh keluar kan DVD Msia, I akan terkinja update semua orang yek :)


    adek I nak gi indon, I suruh dia kerling kerling ko jumpa :)

  7. zilla,

    siila sila... trip santai2, tak yah penah2 Nye, kite ambek feeeeel je. heheheheh

    bibie karim,

    kaaan.... nanti kalau movie tuh keluar kan DVD Msia, I akan terkinja update semua orang yek :)


    adek I nak gi indon, I suruh dia kerling kerling ko jumpa :)

  8. Helga,

    I love the movie especially the song! sumpah mati kuuuuuuuuuuu hanya untuk muuuuuu.....


    best banget :)

  9. Helga,

    I love the movie especially the song! sumpah mati kuuuuuuuuuuu hanya untuk muuuuuu.....


    best banget :)

  10. hulubalang,

    \o/ hehehe... kembali. hehehehheh......

  11. baik punyo promo..kena beli dvd jugak gayanya nih


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