
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Fairy Stream? Yes, in Mui Ne, Vietnam


We soon set sail in this tiny stream where the earth divide; 
sand dunes on the left, foliage on the right,
mysterious hues in a fairy tail like sight. 

Wading through like princesses, we followed this tiny red stream, 
hoping to find a pot of gold, or perhaps princes at the end.
This was before reality hits us; a stream is a stream, 
us is not princesses and there is no princes nor pot of gold at the end. 
However, to dream is free and we agree,
the six of us, embraced this curious journey.

Enchanted 'forest'
Whimsical  'fairies'
Flower power
Merry tourist

Is this the fairies?
Trapped in human bodies
Or just silly ladies
In their twenties
Doing a Trio. Crazy. Selfies.

Not much for me to write
Of this stunning sight
And I've tried with my might
up till midnight
Still no ideas of any bright
So, good night and sleep tight.
(Don't let the bed bug bite *wink*)


  1. Which part of vietnam is this? x pernah dngr la tmpt ni...he..he..

    p/s: the 3 fairies looked so carefree and happy....:)

  2. Gambar last tu Lily, orang2 tu korek apa eh?

  3. Farikica,

    Mui Ne, 4 hours bus ride. Nanti I buat entry cities for travelers in Vietnam.


    Korek hidung. Eh. Ambek pasir buat apa ntah....


Love to read your trotting comments.