
Saturday, December 27, 2014

My cold lonely white holiday in Oslo

All I wish was the sun.
Alhamudulillah.... am blessed.

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I can't remember what made us chose this area; Tøyen, but I am glad we did. It is surrounded with old colourful wooden houses. With the ray of sun shining and hitting the houses, pavement and the snow... I almost felt I just stepped into the cupboard, into Narnia. Magical.

You can have the snow everywhere and anywhere but only the sun can enhance it's beauty, that is what I always feel, don't you think so? Sun will never fail me, in fact I get excited if there's sun... I rushed everything in a trip to make sure I get my sun and blue sky, everything else there will be perfect.

Candy house? Pink and blue.... Hehehheheh... Not one of Wahidah's favourite but I insisted of taking it, with her in the frame.

Ask us how to get here, and we will say 'wander and get lost'. Ahaks. That is what we always do... we just follow whatever capture our eyes and head that way, we'll figure our way back once our heart is happy and satisfied. Normally it is quite easy.

Once we done with all the houses (there are more pictures, but I will share it on my Facebook Page) we start our walk to the park as it is the only one that should be open during this Christmas holidays. I guess, it is a park and rest day today.

We pretty much figure out some of the words, similar to English heh. Wanna take a guess too? Not that hard right? Hage? Hage is Park... We figure that one out ourselves after seeing a few playground hage. Hahhahahahahh....

Well, it might be Christmas but a walk in the park is a must for some of the locals here, not only that, I saw a few went jogging at around 10-11ish. Like seriously... Jogging at -22c. Giler ke apa? They were wearing normal jogging gear, nothing thick and from the look of it, it is a one layer jogging outfit. Oh yah! Did I tell you it is -22c HERE? It is!



NHM is Norway’s most comprehensive natural history collection. A selection of specimens are on display for the general public, in the Geological Museum and the Zoological Museum.  

Both are to be found in the beautiful Botanical Garden. Located at Tøyen in the east of Oslo city centre, the garden is not only popular for recreation, but a scientific collection in itself.

From Natural History Museum 

Would love to check the dinosour museum but it was close lah, aishh.... Not my luck.

Do you know I don't have much Norwegian krone as the money changer at the airport was closed by the time we touched down. Just my luck. Am surviving on this few cash I have... harap lepas.

The sun gives it a different fell kan.


The Munch Museum is a monographic art museum, dedicated to the life and work of the Norwegian artist Edvard Munch. In our museum at Tøyen, we have the world's largest collection of Munch's art, with almost 28 000 works of art in addition to personal effects, tools and even Edvard Munchs private library.

From Munch Museum

As we were walking back to our hostel, we heard the sound of kids laughter and we drew to the area. We were not disappointed... the laughter and weeeeee sound was from them tobogganing the slope. And one kid was hilarious cos she was unable to control her toboggan and as it approaches a tree, she screamed ' DADDDDDDDDDDDYYYYYYYYYY', we burst out laughing. The daddy tengok jer... (lagi kuat lah we all ketawa kan!).


  1. Indah sungguh tempat ini. -22 Celcius? mahu kalau menangis, air mata turun menjadi titisan air batu. Ala ala frozen dah ni. Salute sebab mampu menahan kesejukan. Tapi meamng betul, salji dan matahari, combination yang terbaik!

  2. -22? Ya Allah! Bertabah with the coldness. And everything about this place; love! Suka tengok tempat surrounded by snow...and like u say, lagi lawa kalau kena sinaran matahari. Bliss!

  3. agree, bila takde matahari boleh sakit jiwa tgk semua putih dan mendung..
    suhu tu btol2 melampu tu -22.. haha


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