
Thursday, February 19, 2015

Babe's Magnet! (Part 5)


My other entries :
Babe's Magnet! (Part 4)

Babe's Magnet! (Part 3) 
Babe's Magnet! (Part 2)
Babe's Magnet! (Part 1)

Sharing with you my 2014 magnets from both my trips and those given my my dearest friends.

 Love love love all my Scandi trip fridge magnets.

Count how many Taiwan fridge magnets I have (different cities of course).

Just realised I have 3 Turkey fridge magnets and I for the wooden one if from who. Yikes.


  1. Lily, have you ever count how many fridge magnets you have up to date? I believe more than thousand xP
    Happy Chinese New Year to you!

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