
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Yummiest salmon : Helsinki Old Market Hall

The silent “L” in Salmon.

I was chatting with my colleague the other day on me wanted to start a business in any Scandi country (sungguh berwawasan tak?), remembered telling them that the only food I told myself to try is their salmon. By the time I hit my fourth country during this trip, the salmon that I was looking for was yet to be found. Well, I saw a couple of shops and supermarkets selling but not exactly how I imagine it to be… Just about then, in Helsinki, while walking aimlessly, we saw this old looking building which I am intrigued, hence wanted to photograph it. Guess what? It was the Helsinki Old Market Hall, and as I got inside….. it was SALMON HEAVEN. Menggigil tangan, I was ecstatic and speechless on our finding (not like we found a pot of gold or whatnot but it was close enough; for my darling tummy at least *gleaming*).

The quaint inside of this Old Market Hall overwhelmed us, you’ll see cafes, delicatessens and fish stalls. If it is not because of the price or our exchange rate, I believe I will be here daily if not hourly *ahaks*. And I would like to add that I for one have not seen so many ways to prepare/cook your salmon… there’s the salmon spring role, the grill salmon, salmon sushi, salmon salad and the list goes on and on. Pecinta salmon boleh jadi giler kat sini. By the way, it’s pronounce as “sa-mon”, with the silent “L” (I pun baru tau).

So, I guess the next question one will ask will be, is it expensive?
The answer to this is pretty simple, cheap!!!! NOT.

I got myself a salmon tapas the size of my palm and it cost me approximately €5 which is around RM20 at that point of time, it’s practically the cost of two McDonald Value Meal. BUT the salmon taste… Well,I can still remember the taste till now, it is THAT good. I was hoping to revisit the Old Market Hall the next day but since the distance and weather doesn’t permit us, we gave it a pass. Sigh…. Nyesal sampai arini hokkay.

Here’s the thing, I couldn’t find any similar shop in both Oslo and Stockholm or perhaps I didn’t try hard enough.

My #TravelTips to everyone heading to Helsinki, do try their fishers, if not salmon. Supaya tak menyesal dikemudian hari *wink*.


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