
Friday, February 10, 2012

Teaser | Travelholics in Chinatown Singapore

2nd teaser from me (the last teaser too, do not fear my child...Hahahahhah). 2 days trip pun sampai 2 teaser? Biaq bebenor... 

Here's the thing; I plan to do this al-changgih ie konon-konon gempak and out of this world entry over the weekend (pray hard for my "success")... actually, in reality this is to buy time gitus jek. Kuang kuang kuang...

The above is our breakfast area at the hotel, noticed alot of us travelholics taking food or each other's photos HENCE I wanted to be different (ala-ala off the beaten track, HUH?!?)... I took a pic of giraffe instead. Haaaa... korang ada?

This is one of the building on the same row as our hostel. Really clueless on the building name.

Since this s a teaser, don't expect any factual content ler kan, pics to entice jek. Tunggu jek next entries, promise pernah belum di buat monyet orang! hehehheee...

Nearing the Payar Lebar MRT station, Ribena child (kanak-kanak Ribena) girang tak terhingga!!! WOH! Nak gi Chinatown jek, ek ellaa.... drama! Hhehehhe....

These buildings are the first thing you see - colourful and vibrant. I personally feel Malaysia's Chinatown should do the same, ye dak rakan-rakan?

Bear-bear I "heart" SG are the cutest. only S$1/= al-comei... 

We went into few smaller lanes... bought many magnets, spend loadsa money, took plenty of pictures... (tuh yang lambat Kak Coco Chanel oooiiii... ish ish ish...).

We even managed to reach the temple nearby, again sessi perasan happened. Snap ALLL THE WAYSSS...

OMG! My camera pun ada si-John??? Hahhaha....

Let's see who'll get to comment first?

Alien Travelholics : Beauty In Darkness (Biqque), Travelista (Shahrul), Chawanna (Chawan & Na), Globetrotter (Lily), Coco Nutz (Kak Anash), Janggeltrekker's Life (Janggel), Kaki Berangan (John), Kaki Jalan (MasMZ), BabyArisha (Lin), Traveller's Anatomy (Byya), Journey Of My Life (MasZuber), My Story Is On Lifetime (Shah_rule), Pengembara Tumpangan (Icam), Unfamiliarmilia (Amy).


  1. wahahahahhaaha........

  2. opsssss ok baru nak baca!!!!!!

    word verification 'matio' ~ mati nak ngejor first! ekekekekeke....

  3. aku baru nk teruja jadik first alih2 mas duluuu cissss

  4. gambar santek-santekkkkkk...... ambe tak ada..... ~giraffe......

  5. ALAMAKKKK...lambat skit je lagi!

  6. Fakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk...belum entry sbnar pun i dah jeles!! cun sial...
    fakkkkkkkkkkkkkkk again..ops sori byk plak termencaruttttttttttttttt..heeeeeeeeeeeeeee nyesalllllllllllllll aku tak followwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww..why? why? why? napa tak bgitau Chinatown tu cun?? *hantuk pala kat dinding!*

  7. lily
    memang cantik gambar
    pandaii dah tuh...

    tu le sebab deme ajak pegi sana...
    jual mahal kekdahnyer
    terussss...tak pegi

    tak pe, lain kali ada peluang, ok?

  8. lily,
    no hal menunggu di surau ...bukan lama mana pun...
    dont feel guilty...
    let you guys enjoy the snappy pictures day....
    PS: pehal plak word verification : gatal...??? (sambil garuk tangan kena gigit kerengga kat kampung)

  9. waaaa gambo kanak2 rebina santekkkkkk!

  10. (ala na dah guna fak...)

    babiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! cantik gile gambar korang okkkkk! aku benci la camera cun2 niiiiiiiiiii! nampak sangat aku kena beli camera baru! camne niiiiiiiiiiii! gambar aku sume tak cunnnnnnnnn! waaaaaaaaaaaa! babiiiiiiiiiiii!

    eleh na, nyesal konon, tak pikir laki dia bergegas nak berjuang di medan perang kena keje malam tu! len kali kita gi ye, ye?

  11. OMG CANTEKNYA GAMBAR!!!! tamau kua gambar la......sedih..

    Fuh teaser je dah belom entry sebenar!!!!

  12. ko jgn ngada janggel! aku tau ko banyak gambo hahahaha! tunjukkan skill mu itewwww!

  13. kamera aku rosak masuk air agaknya, kalau beli kamera besaq ni alamatnya memang tak travel setahun.. tapi jealous tgk gamba korang shantik2 belaka!!!

  14. Ok semua ni salah Cawan, sebab dia kena keje, kalau tak aku ikut jugak ke Chinatown tu!! Tapi tak pe, pegi Mustafa Center tu, dpt beli perfume idaman, Icam pun beli perfume tau!! Tapi kesian Icam, keychain dia nk kasi kat kawan2 dia ilang! mesti kawan dia ingat dia tipu pegi Singapore huhuhuhuhu...
    Kena ripit SG lagi la tahun ni, tunggu cuti skolah, leh icam ikut lagi kekekekek

  15. mas,

    pemenangssss sbb 3 kali. plural.


    cuba dan cuba dan cuba lah lagi.


    means gi again, dekat jek.

  16. ely,

    next time ok, jgn sedih.


    next round diff adventure lak


    yeay! rasa panic sbb kcc dok tunggu. next round gi explore again yek... bugis nye tangga lak, and kipasss...

  17. mas,

    i suka sbb ku lihat ijauuuu (jenal abidin)


    gambo camera janggel lawa2 siut.


    yeah right... konon humble.


    s100 canon. confirm lawa...


    ehehheh... end this yr again kan kan kan... iye ke... seian icam... tak pa, nnt g lagi


Love to read your trotting comments.