
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Levain Bakery, Willy Satay & Travelholic Meet-up

I have back problem since last week, but ever since 3-4 days ago, it has gotten worst, like BIG TIME WORST. Reason being I went for brisk walking (jogging was a harsh word since I can't drag my big f_t  boddy to jog, let alone run!) with Wahidah and Bukit Kiara, for those familiar or has been there; would know that the journey uphill is really tough, ie SUPER TOUGH.

I have been to this hill for the longest time and after the walk, we normally pekena yummy Laksa Johor at Santai Restaurant in Taman Tun Dr Ismail (behind KFC). The problem this time is that I woke up late and rush over hence, I did NOT do my usual warm-up. Consequences? Muscle-pull on my back, sakit like crazy! I can barely walk... I was lying down on my back for the last 2-3 days. Jalan pun macam orang mengandung, I can totally dig how Ely must have felt now.

This morning my cousin called me and asked for brunch at Levain Boulangerie & Patiserie (the bungalow behind Jalan Imbi), I said no as I need to fetch my sis for work (despite the back ache) but she proposed something irresistible. She will fetch my sis and me, and send sis to work; we were to then proceed for brunch with her 2 lovely daughters and mummy. I obviously say yes, tak yah drive kan.

We head to Levain Boulangerie & Patisserie and ordered makanan omputeh... but orang melayu nih, mana nak konyang kan... we had earlier plan, we are to check-out my aunt's house under renovation and give some ideas or the colour and "decor"... apa apalah.. so drove to Cheras after that.

Levain Boulangerie & Patisserie Sdn Bhd
No. 7, Jalan Delima
Kuala Lumpur, 55100 
Tel:+603 2142 6611

When will Pondok Kenangan be ready... cepat ler... nak buat Family Day nih... mode terkinja kinja?
Then Maira showed me the cake she baked with her friends during her stay-over... John's favourite... Rainbow Cake. Nanti I get my niece to bake for Abang John yek.

Smart kid kan, say a non-baker to a 12yr old kid whom baked, hahaha... I was still main kejar kejar and kaler kaler at this age... masak nasi pun belum tentu... ada sedikit malu disini (or perhaps banyak).

Then, received an sms on "pineapple" & choco cupcake available for me to enjoy... err... susah nak tolak ni...atas sebab orang tak pujuk but pipi ni tersorong sorong; I sms-ed that am interested (ceh wahh...) to receive  "the" offer and join her at Willy Satay in Kajang, but driving is a problem. Hemmm.... WhatsApp ler to this Guava Korea Artist guy... ask whether would he mind to give me a ride. He said ok, so off we go makan satay!

Satay Willy
Ramal Medan Selera
Ramal Junction, Sg. Ramal

We all stayed there for an hour or two and went home to catch Juara Lagu (blogging for me).

Eh! Who do I owe the dinner just now yek?

Hyperlink credit : Levain Boulangerie & Patisseri 


  1. i know!! i nk rainbow cake pls!! with the candle on top.

    i pun tertnya...kat sapa hutang air and satay tadi??? haishhh...i dh pening kepala sbb makan daging byk sgt td kot.

  2. am i the guava korea artist guy??? LOL....sooooo nenas laaa lily! hahaha

    off to sleep now. where are the others? loserrs....hahaha jahatnyaaaa akuuu!!!!! kekekekke

    my veri code: diating. i have to diet~

  3. takde org komen lagi? duhhh~ hahaah

  4. john,

    u 1-4 place... unless ely buat 4 comment berturut; then u juara ler..heheh

    itu ler pasai, i slalu teringat bila dah bali, sapa byr...ish! bad habit sungguh.

    yes guava and nenas...hehehehhe... good and healthy combo tuh!

    ok, nnt i pujuk my niece buat kan yek..

    last but not least, u sorang jek komen. hehhe... yg lain dah tito.

  5. huhhhh sungguh ko nak orang celen ko John!!!! hahaha

    nengah siapkan kerja untuk mesorat sok nih....

    guava korean retis, tak menahan jiwa.... rindu tawwwww

  6. Haha..menjadi testing tuh rupanya..
    Well, been an honoured coz everybody accepting the not-so-cute-cuppies-but-damn-yummy, the satays are on me..
    (Err betul ke ayat omputih?)
    Senang citer, kak peah belanja satay (plus feel guilty being late too.)
    Tapi air sapa bayar? Ish..
    Guava? Tak pernah dibuat org kek jambu.

  7. cawan nk mencelahhh.. ishhh tak diajak rupenye.. sob sob.. larikkkk jauh2..

  8. tk smpat baca abis tp john komen smpai 4 kalik? hahahha

  9. ala siannye sakit blkg.. xpe kejap aje.. tp i ntah2 sakit xilang smpai 2-3 bln lagik kot hahhaa

    eh rainbow kek fave john ker? kang besday sami bleh belasah bebyk ye..

    mkn satay tak ajak.. cess

  10. Ada banglo ke kat belakang jalan imbi tu??? baru cek tau..huhuhu nampak sedap je pulak.. haish.

  11. i missed this one shot! hmm hopefully ada next time!

  12. @kak anash,
    btol ka belanja??? alhamdulillah..termakbul jugak doa sy buat kali yg ke berapa ntah. hehe...ppl love me too~ LOL

    @Kak Ely,
    bday sami sy dijemput??? ade kek rainbow??? wow!!! tak sabar lak nih! nk bwk hadiah ape ek? hadiah diri sendiri boleh x? kekeke

  13. mas,

    noticed dak, si john orang buah buahan jek... segala buah dia nye. but i chup apple okay!

    anon test kcc,

    mencabo dak? kapkek guava, guava yg pink ok! ehheheh


    last min... i pun hampir tak gi... but curious, sapa ler si willy nih

  14. ely,

    jangan ler, sakit nak nangis2... bird day sami rainbow yek... cam carebears? ehehhe


    sapa menang? ehheh....


    orang belanja, makan jek ler kite. hehehh.. alhamdulliah, mintak2 kak anash di murah kan rejekinye and panjang umuq. amin...

    err... u sorang di jemput?

  15. besday sami kalu tak dtg mmg siap la kann hahah.. tp tgk kalu kakak cantek nih larat ke dak ye..

  16. Lily,John,
    most welcome ...
    Insyallah...more to come (bab makan2 ni laa..haha...)

    to all the rest,
    Insyallah rezeki ada ..kita gather again...

  17. Tak dulikkkkk nak kek pelangi gak!! bawak malam kita convoi nanti yek hahahah (muka tak malu!)

  18. aku dah lama mengidam nk makan kek pelangi tau na!!! aku x fhm motif ko nk konvoi nk pegi mana??? hahaha

  19. satay willy ni lagi sedap dari satay hj samuri ke?

  20. ely,

    nak we all bawak apa? kabor kan jek


    next week nye, i will be bringing kek baldu mewah.


    i nak bawak baldu mweah, for each car tau...

  21. john,

    aku konfius motif, motif tuh.


    ok lar. kuah tak sedap sgt but satay itself ok.

  22. nanti i belikan kek buatan rumah kat blkg opis i...dap gak!

  23. hahah..baru ajer mkn willy satay smlm..sedap gak..


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