
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Day 6 | Japan Toys R Us, Baby R Us, Studio Alice

OK! I know some probably waiting for this entry, so here goes...

This is located in Osaka, 100m from where we stayed ie Best Western Joytel Osaka for a night. Will review the hotel later. This was a last min pick as most hotel was at full house due to the new year... worried that we will not be able to get a room, hence we went ahead to book this.

The minute I saw that Toys R Us is a stone throw away from the hotel, I felt it was god helping... that's it! Toys!! Here we come!

Enjoy the pics yah!

HUGE HUH! A mall on it's own!

I have a colleague's son who absolutely loves Cars.

When I was a kid, I love these big foot car.... cool giler.
Tah dah... TRAIN!

Chawan? Mini car right?

Macho most toy I feel.

This reminded me of 2 person, Raiyan (Maimon's son) and of cause Icam.



Gundam? I have the game when I was a kid... during those days in school, Gundam is unheard of... giler advance!

They even sold the monster, I didn't know this. I assume Malaysia pun ada.

Even I didn't know Sami likes Otoman, telepathically I can sense...ceh wahh... ramai dak sedara mara Ultraman?

Kesatria Baja Hitam?


The whole crew...

It comes with human? Seriously?

 I always tell my bros that this is moi! Hahhah...

Got this for my bro...

Lihat lar dunia ini!!!! Teka sapa lost ?!!?!?


  1. first??? hehehe...

    heaaven for collectors.....

  2. 2nd??? Mana john???? Bagi pengumpul menan2 kecik memang heaven la kot tempat ni kan!!!

  3. Third
    wow...yang tak suka kumpul ...
    suka nak beli..
    giler aa...

  4. arrghh xsmpat nk baca sbb nk kuar dah.. hishhh tingin plak i g situuu

  5. erkkkk! kejang tgk toy! i loveeeee itttttt! uollsss byknye mase nak roggeng mak limah kannnn! i nak minta cuti panjang pon boss query!anyway..nk ckp ngan mak punye genggeng... nak ultraman taro beli toy'r'us JEPANG jugekkkkk!hehe

  6. owh no!!! i'm 6th???

    omg!!! heaven gilerr duk dalam nih! cawan mesti suke gilerrrr~ icam akan suka dgn train~ ade tak power rangers lily??? hehehe...i'm a fan of power rangers. i watched until form 4 tau. hahaha tak penah miss setiap seasons.

  7. Wowwww weeeee..Icam dan Cawan gerenti tertonggeng terguling terlentang kalau masuk sini, silap2 tak mo kuar!! ish ish bahaya!!

  8. sami ade monster ultraman tuh.. i mmg sumpah xpaham monster ultraman sbb monster nye ntah ape2 tau.. kadang ikan berkaki lah hahahaha.. tp kalu patung ultraman before transform tuh ade mmg nk la kan hahaha

  9. p/s- smai suka sume bentuk transportation jadik kete kapal terbang moto tren bus etc kapal korek kapal selam pon kalu ade sure dia suka hahah

  10. kebabommm!!! ye cawan dh berdarah idung tgk toys! heaven nye.. salah satu alasan cawan nk ke Japan, wajib pergi kedai toys.. hu huu..

  11. mas,

    congrates! pirst pirst! heheh.. memang heaven on earth.


    john tito kot. ish! masuk tak kluar.


    3rd... but agree.. masuk tetiba jadi collector

  12. bulat,

    pegi pegi musti pogi... kirim salam kat otoman no..kata kat boss, otoman call suruh dtg segoro.


    6th!! ada ramai power rangers giler miler siler ok!!! tak tangkap sbb mungkin masa tuh, staff dia tgh lalu... i rasa cawan/icam sure na seret sambil picit telinga ahjak kluar.


    leh byg u cubit telinga....ahhahah

  13. ely,

    i pun rasa raksaksa dia pelik but bila tgk patung dia, rasa comei lak...betui!!! cuba u amati kejituan nye. if nak gi, bwk duit seguni tau

    cawan, blh byg kan jek... but na tuh sure reminder non-stop ajak kluar. heheh...


Love to read your trotting comments.