
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Teaser | Travelholic's Holy Mission to Sekinchan

Will I ever get to ride on this tram? Teringin sesangat...

Which one doesn't belong in this picture?

Sekinchan mystery located & solved... jeng jeng jeng....

 Danny (The Blogger Formerly Known as John) - Sorry, couldn't find a dino plush toy (I'll get you a nice one yah!). Hheheheheee....

Stay tune... follow us #travelholicawesome on our Misi Suci, Misteri Sekinchan #roadtrip.

Participating bloggers (hyperlinked) :


  1. my blog doesnt even there. sob sob sob...

    u didnt ride the tram? hahaha u shud bring me next time! owh ya, i shud bring myself there. haha

  2. wahhh ape laa yg korang buat di sana ye? meriah!

  3. Omg me on the first pic!!!!! Kekkeke

  4. wah macam best je pegi jalan-jalan..

    Hi selamat berkenalan.. tlg kim salam kat jejaka yg berbaju belang yg dlm gambar kat museum tu yek..

  5. Hi Lily, nice blog....I love your lively humour.
    And very creative photography too.
    Love that house with the pisang leaves bracketing it.
    The padi field, the canal framing it really brings out the pic.
    You see what others don't, and that makes your photography great. Others take pictures. You create pictures. Outstanding!
    You have a nice day, and keep a song in your heart.


Love to read your trotting comments.