
Thursday, July 2, 2020

Kuala Lumpur Bird Park SOP during Covid-19 pandemic

For those that aren’t aware, they reputed to be the world's largest free-flight walk-in aviary. With present technology and capability, am sure there are bigger and better aviary in other parts of the world. And I believe what we should focus at is on the welfare of the birds, the knowledge these places impart us and us sharing it to everyone. For this, I have the greatest respect for the countries that put an effort to gather all these birds and care for them, for us. Much respect.

You are required to sanitise your hand, do the standard temperature check and scan the MySejahtera QR code (manual register for those with the apps). Upon completing the above said, you are then allowed to go in (practicing social distancing when walk around the bird park). Once you are inside, signages to remind visitors to wear mask are placed everywhere. Where else the F&B kiosk indicates only 1-2 persons at every table are permitted, while queuing for purchase is at 1-2 meters apart.

The KL Bird Park houses more than 3,000 birds from more than 200 species in an enclosed aviary. Approximately 90% are local birds and the remaining 10% were imported from countries such as Australia, China, Holland, Indonesia, New Guinea, Tanzania and Thailand. Divided into 4 zones, sanitisers station is located at the start of each zone and at strategic spots within respective zone.

Zone 1 & 2 are bird from different species located here. It is further split into Love Aviary, Brahminy Land, Flamingo Pond and Bulbul Land. My favourite here is the scarlet ibis. Again, social distancing signs are visible everywhere, serving as a reminder to all visitors.
At Zone 3, you’ll chance to see Rhinoceros Hornbill (largest hornbill species in the world) at the Hornbill Park inhabiting the treetops (said to be as high as 10 storey building. The hornbill feeding session at 11.30am daily.

The largest living bird is situated at Zone 4 open area. World of Parrots greets you with a ‘hello’; home to macaws, cockatoos, lories and parakeets. I’d say this is the most colourful zone amongst all. There is a photo station where visitors can pay a nominal amount for a picture with these colourful birds. As you enter, you are required to sanitise your hand and they allow only one person per entry. In other words, you are not allowed to have a family photo with them birds. This is to ensure the 1 meter apart from one and another is being practiced even during photography.

Flightless Bird area is where you’ll get to see the largest bird, the ostrich, emu and the cassowary from New Guinea and North-east Australia. Oh! By the way, incase you don’t know, cassowary is capable of killing us humans using its sharp nails on its inner toes. However, cassowary on the verge of extinction due to habitat destruction and human activities.

Visitors can exit via the gift shop and stop for a quick drink/snack at the ornbill Restaurant & Café before heading to the next attraction.

Operating Hours
Daily :  9:00am - 6:00pm (including Public Holidays & School Holidays)

Entrance Fee
Adult                              RM63 / RM25 (MyKad)
Child**                           RM 42 / RM6 (MyKid)   
Senior Citizen (Mykad)*   RM6

Promotion (from now till 31 July, 2020)
Adult                              RM 56 / RM16 (MyKad)
Child**                           RM 37 / RM6 (MyKid)   
Senior Citizen (Mykad)*   RM6

*Senior Citizen (with Mykad) from 60 years old and above.
**Child from 3 - 11 years old

Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO)
Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO)
Enhanced Movement Control Order (EMCO)
Movement Control Order (MCO)

SOP related blog post

Post MCO (SOP) Media Trip is in collaboration with Tourism Malaysia and all its sponsors.

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