Am so pressured to blog this entry as the whole team has blogged on this since yesterday, even Icam. Malu babe! But I have a good excuse, Unifi down down down.... annoying gilos.
Before I start with my story angle (since everyone have their own version), as usual I will have a teaser entry (or entry orang malas) and I would like to take this opportunity (cam dapat award lak) to thank John on his mention of moi in his blog.... lawak leh.... wink wink. For those who wants to know why (or more), you will need to PM me on this ahhahahha.....
OK. As most of you know (or noticed) by now (giler tetiba semua blog pasai USS, tak noticed pun susah idak!?!?), a bunch of us travelholic bloggers went on an alien travel mission to Temasek - land of Sang Nila Utama (the old name for Singapore > for non-Malaysia/Singapore readers, bet you guys must be wondering where the hell is this... hahahhaa....).
I need to stress here that alien traveller DOES NOT mean we went alien hunting yah, in our own little world (or perhaps more out there); it basically meant we are traveling with people we are not familiar/know for the first time. And in our case, we got to know each other from travel blogs about 2 months back - KUDOS blogspot & bloggers! Compliment to Biqque on this "alien travel" word, I googled like crazy, incase there's a wikipedia on this BUT - elek pochik!
I wasn't in any of the group pictures as I need to settle my lost e-tix... CISSS...... but I did manage to capture picture of them taking pictures. Hhahahah..... Biqque & Shahrul masih poser di hujung sana, sudah sudah ler tuh.... HAHAHAH..... Check out, I manage to get the word UNIVERSAL on the globe...giler lama tunggu!
To sooth myself for not being in ANY of the group pictures (A.N.Y capital ok!), my tix is teh paling cantek ok! Not the unchanggih e-tix paper print. Jangan JELES... Lallalalallalal..... Hahahhah.... terubat jiwa raga.
OK... Jom go in fast fast.
Biqque & Shahrul : The best idea todate! Without this great idea, there would not be this GREAT trip thus no this great bloggers now I call FRIENDS. KUDOS!
Lin : Giler friendly ok, glad you join us giler folks.
Chawanna : The best travelphotoholic ever and ever... need I say more, just check out their video on the trip... serious guys?!??!
Still on gawking mode!!!
Geng Kereta John : Yah, we did come out with this but never finalised on the changgih-er name. The gang? John, Janggel, Mas and of cause Lily lar... We even have a theme (sure kete lain hairy nye). the "to" trip all in RED attire, and the "fro" trip; all must wear a different colour from each other. Talk about being kiasu in the kiasu-land.
I have a feeling, Elly will question why she doesn't have a pic of the same, because nye... you are special (nak ambek ati padahal ada banyak tuh jek option magnet; ahhahhaha). I did get you a magnet, not to worry. Redang, you must must must GO tau, else we all murka! Hhahahha...
All names are hyperlinked, feel free to check out their blog of the same experience.
PS : Will John be the first to comment? Let's wait & see!
winner... dpt apa yek? ahhahha depa tito kot
yes! hahahahhaa......
alamak! suma dah update citer nih!!
John? Mana John???? Hahahaha.... yeay yeayyyyyyyyy I'm first!!!!!!
Lily, semua fm tu beli during this trip??? Waaaaaa kutip semua survivor!!! Hehehehehehe..... We r survivor in alien traveller nih, yeay~!
haha sibuk la mesti kene bawak masmz.. arghhh mesti tak habes baca, tp dah comment, i dah habes bace tau~ hehe
btol tuh the mother strongly decline, baru ingat nak penuh kan logbook O&G.. hahaha
i ingat sampai2 sana deorang kasikla tukar kertas besa ni ke apa2 card atau yg senonoh sikit sebagai tiket aku beli mahal2 tuh, rupanya2 memang kertas beso tuh la ticket yer.. kedekut sangat!!!
kene simbah dengan air time kt jurasic park terus tulisan dia kembang.. owh satu2 nya bukti aku g USS!! haha patutnya buat2 hilang/atau tak dapat kt email~hehe
Hahahah john malangnya bukan first komentor.!!! Suka!
Lawanya entry kali ni...siap ada fm survivor setiap satu! Suka! paling lawak part Osman, Kalaula betol dia yg sambut anak Ely!!! Memang jadi sejarah!
Best ke kena simbah air??? hahahahah!!!!!
Hahahaha, tak sangka trip ni menjadi kenyataan, walaupun ada mcm bengong2 sikit..
Ye memang Chawanna terkesima melihatkan kecantikan dan kecanggihan tiket USS yang dpt dari counter berbanding e-tiket A4 paper kitorg!!! haihhhhhhhhhh
your skill hambek gambar dah mula bersinar...
yea.. i like
yea tooo..I'm in deep stress as everyone is updating the USS..and I still here ..not knowing how to fix the time setting, be follower, and the sidebarblog-thing...
blur punya blogger..that's me!!
waaaaaaaaaaaa cantek post ni! dah la tiket masuk paling gempak! hahaha!
so kena pi buat copyright tak alien traveler ni? hahaha!'s ok for me to be late sometimes. walhal bengang nk mampos! ahhaha...bestnyaaa entry lily nih! kekeke..btw, i kene tgk balik FM mana yg i beli. sume tgk lawa dlm gmbr u nih!!!! nnt nk pegi lagi, nk beli lagi! kekeke...
owh lily, good teaser! mari kite gigih untuk menyambung entry masing2 lepas ni okehh!!!
everyone survived tak? yeah we are!! next!!
cubajaya utk mengkomenn cubajayaa
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