
Monday, January 16, 2012

Things To Do In Bangkok/Thailand (Part 1)

This entry is dedicated to Janggel and those visiting Bangkok/Thailand soon or near future. 

At first, I wanted to share only what I do or normally go to in Bangkok but when I rethink, neh..... just load whatever and wherever I have covered in Thailand that can help Janggel or travelholic out there. Might as well, huh!

Just to set the expectation right, there are STILL plenty of places and things that I wanted to see and do but have yet to cover, WHY? Because, I suppose at every trip to Bangkok, Chiang Mai or any other part I set foot, it was limited days traveling. The longest was close to 1 week. Hemmm.... next time I'll try a 10 days Thailand trip pulak kan.

I guess, first of all; you'll need to know what you want and like to do then only find a hotel located within that vicinity to ensure minimal dollars spend on transportation.

I actually have no favourite place, I actually change hotel at every visit. Yes, HOTEL; half my trip was under company. The one I traveled on my own, I still stayed at hotel because I took Air Asia Go Holiday. Don't get me wrong, there are cheap/reasonable hotel out there. It's individual preference mah... However, the below is where my sis researched and stayed before (Lub d).

Siam Square Area (recommended-visual above) : Lub d Hostel
Phaya Thai / Chatuchak : Udee Hostel

Chiang Mai 
Anusarn Area : Small Hotel
My recommendation is to stay near Anusarn Night Market area as it is much more convenient (Never stayed in any hostel in Chiang May before this). 

There's also few Muslim restaurant there and open air foot massage service for those tired shopaholics.

Ayuthayya : Baan Lotus
Sukhothai : Lotus Village

If you noticed that, we tend to choose slightly fancy hostel, seriously; just because we travel cheap, doesn't mean our hostel need to look boring right...? *wink*

Sightseeing, things to do in Chiang Mai, Bangkok and environ
What I will be sharing is what I have experience and plan to do here, there are more options for everyone to choose from, the list is bottomless.


Chiang Mai 


That's about it so far, I will blog about the rest once am done with Osaka/Kyoto. I haven't even blog about Perth, Shanghai, Orlando, Vietnam... etc etc... goodness gracious. Insyaallah soon.

Next will also be where and what I plan to cover in Bangkok/Thailand.


  1. whatever, i'm first lily!!!!

    arghhh still at ofis now~

  2. wahhh lily! cant wait to read your other travel stories!

    next time wanna spend more time in bangkok and ayuttaya! wanna see sunflowers!!! ^_^

  3. Thanks lily!!!!!!!!!! Sangat menarik entry ni. Definately akan jadi kamu bergerak i nanti! Muahahaha.

    Gambar dalam sunflower farm tu sangat dienvykan okay!!!!

    Ok will follow your nasihat. Thanks again!

    John again??? Everywhere??? Huh aku № 3!!! Ko mampu??? Hahahhaa

  4. Terima kasih kerana berkongsikan panduan melancong ni. Bebeberapa kali kesana tak sempat sangat nak berjalan, pertama kerana ke sana untuk berkursus & kedua kerana lokasi singgahan sebelum naik lagi ke destinasi di utaranya ...

  5. i xpenah sempat nk jenjalan kalu kt Bangkok. Pattaya xsempat nk terjah kedai deret kt pantai tuh, bukan nk shop tp kedai2 tu interesting kalu nk jenjalan.. gambar? lagik la haram hahaha

  6. john,

    i kene recall balik yang lama2, mmg tak sempat nak blog sbb concurrently still need to update todate travel kan.

    yes, you are the first still! ehehheh....


    sunflower gambar tuh i taruk "filte" so nampak dark sket... konon nak create mood ler. but truthfully, langit biru giler ok!

    pm me your date, kot i terigin nak lipat gi bkk again. leh 'convoy'. ehheheh.... if tak kacau daun ler kan. i gi thailand yearly actually, ikut rasa hati cities nye.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. azizan,

    next time, nampak gaya nye ou kene cover all the places ler. its really nice if you have the time.


    road trip??? lepas lepas lepaaaas nih nnt or yr end. ehheheh

  9. Lily, I love you so much. Hahaha.. I am going Bangkok soon with my university friend and this really helps us. But the main reason of our trip is shopping. Anyway, can't wait for more of this kind of sharing post. Just love it.

    "I love your blog like a love song baby" Hahaha

  10. diana,

    after this i will include places to go that i too nvr been. perhaps after tthe arashiyama entry. you keep an eye on my blog *wink*.

  11. lily!!

    wah, informasi berguna utk sesape nk gi sana ni. hehe. i hari tu xsempat pergi chiang mai sbb kekangan masa. so, i pergi bangkok je. i tgl kat salah satu hostel yg u sebut tu. saphaipae hostel. highly recommended! dah lah murah, selesa giler, bilik air byk, tilam tebal, comforter tebal, staf baik + pndai english, dan boleh dpt Biggies! Hahaha. Ok i dah giler meroyan. bye~ haha

  12. cik hamid tetiba beberapa hari lepas macam nak ajak kak ro gi thailand :D wink2! hahahaha tak betul tah idakkkkk!

  13. Lily, suka tgk bunga matahari bebanyak tu..nanti satu hari nk ke situ gak la..hehehe

  14. khai,

    thanks for dropping by, ada byk lagi tpt to visit but you need few days lar.... sbb tuh i slalu ulang ie tipa thn visit bkk. nnt update entry other places you can visit.


    JOM!!! kite ikut janggel... dia gi sept kot... i dah pasang angan angan kosong dah.


    u kena gi, siap ada naik gajah lagi. mmg feel. i gi pun dah akhir2 tuh.

  15. omg lily, i was planning a Phuket - Chiang Mai trip last week! tapi tak jadi pergi pun... huhuhu~.. stressssss x___x

    ai suka gambar yg sunflower tu. sunflower + sunshine. u look epi sangatttt. ^__^

  16. sunflower tue memang terbaek la lily..tak sangka dekat thailand taman tue..

  17. Bila janggel nak ke bangkok tuh??
    i heard... that u.. (ttbe nak feeling2 adele)

    haha xde la, i heard about terrorist attack on bangkok, bomb, etc~ is it true? i already got ticket to bangkok jugak.. but tak tau nak proceed ke tak~ tapi tgk cam ok je kan kt bangkok tuh.. cmne?

  18. shah_rule: propaganda Amerika tu nak huru harakan SEA.. haha

  19. khai: i think so~
    but when they find some explosive material tuh kat bangkok terus aku tersenyap... wahaha camne ni.. nak proceed ke tak~ jauh jugak perjalanan ni, seem im not travel to bangkok only..! terjejas plan!! adoiii~

  20. Gil Ra Im,

    alllaaa.... why couldnt you make it. next time go sunflower field ok! ehehhe... nov is the season.


    i pun tak tau but my photographer fren yg habaq. terliuq kan.


    suspender! i rasa ok kot, news saja gempak kan. ntah2 propa jek.


    agree. diarang pun dengki kang sharul kot. ehheheh...

  21. yesz!! ok so bole proceed dgn lega hati.. hehe

  22. wahh good info for those yg baru first time nak ke Thailand. I've been to those places. Good experience.
    Cumanya u kena pilih bulan yg sesuai utk ke sana....kalau musim panas...tersangatlah panasssss terik. Lebih panas drp Malaysia. It was my experience to Chiang Mai in April. Fuhhhh....

  23. proceed je shahrule. insyaAllah selamat lah. berita memang slalu propa manjang. hari tu aku pegi Bangkok ok je. Tapi kat Malaysia,surat khabar UM kata banjir teruk lagi. heee.tawakal aje. peluang bukan dtg selalu. hehehehe. goooo!! haha.

    lily-haha. tulaaa.. diorang dengki takmau kasi shahrule pegi.. ngeee


Love to read your trotting comments.