What do you/we understand about AIDS?
Well, mine was pretty lame, just like how we saw in our local TV. Basically, the doctor will tell you that
you have AIDS and you immediately fall sick and die in 3 months time. Little that I know this is NOT the case.
The actual fact is that AIDS :
• Applies to the most advance HIV stage
• May occur 10 – 15 (maybe more) years after HIV infection
• Occurrence of any of more than 20 Opportunistic Infection (TB,
Candidiasis, Pneumonia, Kaposi’s Sarcoma, Hepatitis)
This shows how little I/we know and how ignorant we are. Education on HIV, People Living With HIV and AIDS
is very crucial. Remember guys, KNOWLEDGE is POWER.
Why the sudden on AIDS and HIV stuff on my blog you may ask. Well, I have been blessed to participate in this
great event, World AIDS Day 2012 or #WAD2012 as on twitter. And I can’t brag enough.
The event set-up before the VIPs & celebrities arrive.
World AIDS Day falls on December 1st and in Malaysia, the event was held for 2 days in Berjaya Times
Square, Kuala Lumpur. The 2 days event in partnership with The Medical Students Society of University Malaya, PT Foundation
Sdn Bhd, Reckitt
Benkiser (M) Sdn Bhd
and MAC’s other 49 partner organizations themed “RED Ribbon Youth Club
celebrate World AIDS Day” highlighted HIV/AIDS awareness, fighting
prejudice, improving education and
also fundraising activities. Among the activities were :
RED Ribbon Youth Club launch. MAC’s latest addition to the
growing list of RED Ribbon Celebrity Supporter – Aaron Aziz. (Yes, I get
to see him close up and live!)
2. The assembly of a huge Red Ribbon Sculpture.
3. Durex “Rise-Up Play SAFE Project”, the World's First Social-Powered Balloon. (Yes, the one with Harith
Iskander riding on it)
4. Free ‘HUGS’. The Medical Students Society of University Malaya.
5. Flash Mob
6. Drama / monologue
7. Fashion Show Performance
8. Hitz.FM entertainment
9. RED Ribbon Celebrity Supporter guest appearance
10. Stage performances by the marginalized community
11. Awareness & Exhibition booth
Yes yes…. Not only Aaron Aziz was there, there were other Red Ribbon Celebrity Supporters as well such as Bob AF2, Winnie K and
Dayang Nurfaizah,
Fahrin Ahmad, Anantha, Uthaya,
Datin Seri Umie Aida, Owen Yap and many more.
Globetrotter #WAD2012 event photos, please click HERE
Globetrotter #WAD2012 event photos, please click HERE
Eradicate AIDS Stigma

Remembered talking to Fie on how powerful this message is.
Be the message. Enough said.
Proud UM students!
I guess for me, the highlight for this event was to participate in this event itself, it was truly an overwhelming and an certainly eye-opening experience. So many questions were asked just proofed how little knowledge I have and how judgmental I was (well, not anymore). Now now…. I can’t lie the fact that I was a little (Ok! A lot!!! [Eye-rolling]) bit excited seeing Aaron Aziz live (breathing same air tuh) but not as excited as the girl standing next to him all launch long *wink*.
The event starts.
Yup! Aaron Aziz officiate the ride.
The event was followed by a press conference at Starbucks. For more info, please read here.
I am and do look forward to participate on more activities such as this. InsyaAllah. I guess I just like the post feel-good feeling (and pre too).
Zero Discrimination – Zero New HIV Infection – Zero AIDS Death
Links :
The Official RRYC Page :
fb.me/redribboyouthclub.MAC FB page : https://www.facebook.com/Malaysian.AIDS.Council?ref=ts&fref=ts
Youths Today (Voluntary Management System) : http://www.youthstoday.com/py/the_pyevent/red-ribbon-youth-club-celebrates-world-aids-2012
Twibbon via this link -- http://twibbon.com/support/rryc-celebrates-wad-2012
Globetrotter #WAD2012 event photos, please click HERE
Hugs anyone?
grabbed a pic! thanks :P
Too many people can only chatter about AIDS eradicating, but I can't see any effective results...
If you are not indifferent to the problem of saving mankind from AIDS, look these articles, please:
“World Journal of AIDS” - http://file.scirp.org/Html/5-5200264_51787.htm
“Global Journal of Medical Research” - https://globaljournals.org/GJMR_Volume15/3-AIDS-is-the-Disease-of-Chain.pdf
“Journal of AIDS and HIV Infections” - http://www.annexpublishers.com/full-text/JAHI/1202/AIDS-Puzzle-was-Solved.php
“AIDS and HIV Infections” - https://aidsandhivinfections.wordpress.com/2015/07/13/aids-puzzle-was-solved/
“Scientific and Technical Library” - http://www.sciteclibrary.ru/texsts/eng/stat/st6430eng.pdf
My information allows exactly diagnoze AIDS and then eradicate it all over the World.
I am an independent researcher, I had not receive any grants, however, such great breakthrough in the medical science deserves some recognition, I think.
You will write soon about this good news, I hope.
What do you think about it?
Sergey Makarov (segrim@bas.lv)
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