This is how it works. Andrea absolutely LOVE Il Divo, and persuaded me to watch the concert with her in Chrischurch, the tix cost is so much lesser then the one held Malaysia. And I was thinking… hemmm… since I don’t think there would be much for me to do OR cover in Brisbane (not my first time in the land Down Under); I thought… heehehhehee… BARTER TRADE! I'll go to Il Divo concert, Andrea must go Gold Coast theme park! She replied within MICRO NANO SECOND!!!! YES!!!!! Suka nye saya….
I was hyper - charged all my camera batteries, dressed in my grey mini dress (I think I looked good in it PLUS the fact that I didn’t take that many pics in it - VAIN!), did my hair, I even wore contacts instead of glasses (punya lar vain nye!). READY TO GO!

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