I realized I’ve blog so much about Thailand and yes, I can’t get enough, especially northern Thailand ie Chiang Mai in particular. Chiang Mai has soooooo much to offer, put shopping aside (those shoppaholic out there, Bangkok is heaven for shoppaholic, Chiang Mai… well… so-so). BUT, for adventure LOVERSSSSS out there, YOU ABSOLUTELY must visit this place and mind you 4-5 day is just ain’t enough (THAT's FOR SURE!), and Tourism Thailand did not pay me for this (DANG!!!!).
Sigh…. Sooo…. Since I’ve visited Thailand at minimum 10 times in my whole life (If you must know, Singapore the most lar), so for any Chiang Mai blog entry after this will not be post base on daily experience but base on activities or adventurous stuff we did.
Oh yah! I forgot to tell you, Chiang Mai is home for loads of adventurous stuff (next to Queenstown, New Zealand - of cause this is only my own opinion :D ).
Let’s get down to my adventure…
Flight of the Gibbon
Yup! The same one shown in The Amazing Race last season, obviously I went way before that - 2008. Few reason why I want to do this.
1. I am crazy over outdoorsish & adventurish activities (BUT scared at the same time!!!)
2. My travel kaki Andrea is outdoorsish & adventurish too.
3. It is designed, built and overseen by international expert engineers from New Zealand with more than 20 years of experience in nature-based construction (cut and paste from their website)
4. Feel the freshness of 1500 year old rainforest outside of Chiang Mai.
5. 14-15 treetop zipline base (If I remembered it correctly)
6. 2-3 canopy walk
7. 1-2 abseiling down the tree (Especially the last treetop, how else you gonna get down from the tree right?!!? Duh!)
Wow! I just went in their website, and noticed it has gone thru tremendous change, probably due to The Amazing Race visibility with worldwide audience, in fact I noticed the cost has increased slightly. You know what, it's still worth it.
Gearing up... I think I look cool. Yeah right Lily!
Walking to the starting point. Dup dup dup... our heart beats.
Checking the cables before we start out adventure!
Off we go! Where the adventure begins.
My turn, from the starting point. Weeeee........
Can you see her? Andrea versus the jungle out there!
SOS! Rescue me, I've break too fast, too soon. Or I think she did that on purpose, wanted a pic hanging there. Hemm...
Almost all reached the base/platform, except for me.... hey! Wait up!
Andrea and the mountain beyond...
Can you see the treetop base/platform?
That's the canopy walk.
One for the album, Andrea and me.
Yup! It's very high, can you see the ground from up here?
Descending from the last treetop
It terms of experience and service...
Hyperlink credits : The Flight Of The Gibbon, Wikipedia