Day 5 (7 March 2011).Last day in Tokyo… ... kinda sad as I have grew to like Tokyo after spending 4 days here (Yup! 4 days ONLY).
Tomorrow morning at 5:30am I will hop on the train to Haneda Airport and head to Hong Kong… so dreaded this. Doesn’t help when you fell in love with the country so much.
Since mother nature gave herself a full force rain to welcome my stay here in Tokyo (to a point that it snowed slightly, felt the love!), I thought; today I shall maximise the daylight… and sunlight (despite the rain) to where else but ….. Jeng jeng jeng…. PARK & URBAN ZOO. My favourite places…. Hehehhe… and Andrea have no choice but to come along. MUAHHAHHAHAHA….*note the evil laugh*
Don’t underestimate this entry as you going to learnVALUABLE things (on animal) soon :p
As usual, we took the train to the park, stopped by Hard Rock Ueno to get meself a short glass and a shirt for my collections. Then we head out to Ueno Park which is located just outside the station (by the way, the station has a MALL underneath - uber cool! [just learned this new word - UBER]). We proceed to the park looking for the lake (as most of the blog and friends pics somehow have a lake pic when it comes to Ueno visit, thus I must too lar kan).
Walk we did and “wah laaah….” we saw the lake from afar… apa lagi, we quicken our step and cross the lane and head straight to the lake/park (not sure how you visualise this street, just play along with me kay). Oh! I think I should share one thing first, the UENO Park is SUPER DUPER HUGE, it has lake, park, museums (note the “S” in museum, its PLURAL), boat ride, park train, zoo etc etc etc…. basically, 1 full day at the park shall be well utilized. Am not so “on” on boat rides as they just gonna give me a sampan, and I am to row it myself, no big deal lor and too tiring (malas more like it).
First thing first :- snap pics of the pathway, the leafless trees (my current passion in pic taking) and birds. Of cause as I walk, I saw temples that soon became my subject matter. Hehheh…. The red added colours to the leafless tree I figure. The stroll was pleasant, the crowd was low, the weather was accommodating us; PERFECT. It kinda got a little bit boring lar pulak soon after… and fortunately that is when I bump into the zoo. Pretended surprise and shrieked “Look! There’s a ZOO!” (Yeah! Right!).
I knew all the while there’s a zoo here but of cause I wouldn’t know which part and the entry point to the park doesn’t have a counter where I can easily grab a map either, thus I need to rely on my “SMARTbrain” (didn’t get Smartphone yet then). I don’t mean to brag, apparently this cutie does come with smart brain. Hahahah…. For those in doubt, please re-think.
Those with families and DIY tourist, tix purchase is done via a vending machine (I thought it was cool!) and no worries parents with small kids - as strollers are prepared here with nominal rental (told you they thought of everything! Believe me now?!?). Anyway, just to set the expectation clear, it’s a small urban zoo, hence don’t lar expect something fancy shmancy here. Hahhaha…. Nevertheless, am thrilled to find a zoo right smack in this urban concrete jungle.
Few things that fascinated me there (then again, am easily fascinated), that they don’t have the normal animal (well, maybe some of them) but there were plenty of “foreign” animals to me. Really…. Well, to some of you might be common lor…
Lesson 1 :PThe okapi is a giraffid artiodactyl mammal located in the northeast of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in Central Africa. Okapi bears striped markings reminiscent of the zebra, it is most closely related to the giraffe. And they have nothing to do with horse… hem…
The Giant Anteater is the largest species of anteater (and we shall doubt this!). It is found in Central and South America from Honduras to northern Argentina. It feeds mainly on ants and termites, sometimes up to 30,000 insects in a single day. I need one in my house, REALLY!
The Small Japanese Field Mouse is a species of rodent in the Muridae family. It is found only in Japan. Hemm…. Can you see the pic? I know it’s not that clear but basically it’s my THUMB size - a tiny winy itsy bitsy Japanese Filed Mousy!!!!Of cause, there were more but… let’s not give all a boring zoology blog entry huh.
Oh! They even have penguins. Hahhahha….
Lesson 2
My greatest fascination - Alcohol sold in Zoo! Hemm….. Is it common is some country :p mind my ignorant here. Hahhah…
Pet dustbin incase you wanna get rid of them…. Really! *wink wink* Wanna guess what is it for? It took a while for us to decipher too… :p
Hanging monorail…? Never seen one as cute! Told you I am easily pleased and fascinated.
We calling it a day… but before we headed back to our tiny hotel, we stop by….. Update you next entry. *wink wink*
Nice post. I love the red pagoda through the trees. As I didn't see many animals here, I thinking that the zoo keepers disposed of the more unruly ones in that bin !!
Wow, you sure had a nice trip, Lily!
Japan!! enjoying ur good story.. finally.. ha haa..
Love all your pics and nice blog.
I also blog about Japan trip recently which I'd been last year Oct.
Feel free to drop by my blog and I following your blog as I love travel blog like urs :)
Hey,i was just thinking about where you been so glad to have you back, i guess you have been busy traveling like you do the best.......
enjoying the photos,,,,,,,
omg! sky so blue! clear gile! cantiknyerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
p/s: takut i tgk binatang tu :|
Nice post. I love the red pagoda through the trees. As I didn't see many animals here, I thinking that the zoo keepers disposed of the more unruly ones in that bin !!
Your last tree pix looks like dancing tango..muahaha.
lovely post!!
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xxx London & Paris
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