THE Great Wall Of China, nuff said!

Some might not know, even those who thought they knew me well might not know either but here's a little secret. My late dad send me and my other 2 brothers to Chinese school, you heard me alright! I was the eldest and I start studying Chinese since kindergarten, meaning....... since tender age of 5 years old to 18 years old. YUP!!!! That's one hell of a loooooong time.
Sooo.... what did we study. Here's the thing, my 6 years of primary school; except foor Malay & English Language, everything else is in
CHINESE. Maths in Chinese, Science in Chinese, Geography in Chinese, Chinese calligraphy and yes, so is
YUP! We need to learn about China history too.
See..... can you imagine the LONGING I have actually set foot on the

Finally, my dream come thru. Was I overwhelmed? You bet I did.

Who cares about the price if you dream finally come thru right right right right.

Am not gonna dwell how it's being made nor the history of it cause am sure you guys are able to read it from
Wikipedia. So what I am gonna share is what my school teacher said which ponder me till now.
As you know, the emperor will get thousands of civilian to help on building this giant country fortress right, while building for years and years right form the town to the unknown wilderness (way back in those days). Have you ever wonder, where did the bury the workers that died while building it??? Apparently... jeng jeng jeng...

They leave it at the base and fill it up with rammed earth, stones & woods and continue building the wall.
THUS..... technically, it is
ALSO a grave yard right. Hemmm.... now, what do you thing of this GREAT Wall now? Kinda scary huh!?! Hahhahah.....
Well.... Am ofcause not sure whether this is true or not, but the thought of it is "intriguing"

Anyways, this is known world wide that Great Wall Of China has been officially declared as 1 of the 7 Wonders Of The World.

For something that is sooooooo
OOOOOOOLLLLDDDDDD, KFC sure wants it's presence felt here.

The gate that I use is
Badaling gate, apparently there's a few gates that is more nicer and fun then this, do go and try and tell me all about it, will ya...
Credit hyperlink : Wikipedia.