Have you guys heard of Fire Therapy?
I bet most haven't, RIGHT?
Unless you are from China. The next thing you will be wondering why on earth would you want to burn yourself and go thru the pain (my thought exactly initially!)... But after I tried, hemmm.... it kinda feel nice, REALLY! SERIOUSLY!
I did some research, and found out that it have another name ie Fire Dragon Therapy, and apparent it is an ancient form of heat therapy. This therapy is originally from Tibet. The term is derived from "Moxibustion", but it is much more advanced and powerful than "Moxibustion".

In the website on fire dragon therapy, it helps to cure the following disorders: Indigestion, low metabolism, low temperature, melancholy, pain caused by stress and tension, insomnia, anxiety, fear, panic attacks, stomach distension, vertigo, hiatus hernia, benign tumors, cold bile disease, joint pains, arthritis, bone deformation, joint inflammation, superficial fever (empty fever), post-menopause syndrome and nerve inflammation (sciatic nerve, neurological disorders, etc.). In short, fire dragon therapy is good for diseases which manifest from phlegm and wind humoral disorders.

Hyperlink credits : Chinese Energy Therapy
This is the first I've heard of this therapy. While I hope it worked for you, I'm not sure I'm ready to try it myself. But from my time in China I know that many of their traditional remedies do work.
No thanks Yang! I wouldn't dare try ... still the believer of modern med and I guess I'm the typical 'kiasi' person!
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