Am in deep s>%^* cause I might need to bring my office notebook instead. Even though I can clear my work timely, it looks like I need to be online on upcoming business schedule. Dang! dang! dang! Cam na nih leh jadi, I planned it sooooo well for sooo long (konon ler tuh! Memang nak blame Murphy Law. Arghhhh!!!).
Al-makna nye, I won't be bringing this red mini notebook but the bigger one instead that I know I will be complaining like crazy. BERAT!!!
These are the standard gadget that I will be bringing would be PSP... ini semesti nye else bosan!!!! And a spare camera, not because am kiasu but because another friend of mine kata tak da camera, tak sampai hati so am loaning my old Canon IXUS 870 IS. I love this camera as it have a scroller or a jogger for me to select the mode, I can do it with one hand while driving - but don't ler do this tau (did this alot in NZ trip sebab malas nak stop kete, kuang kuang kuang).
And what camera am I using? Jeng jeng jeng.... Canon S95, gonna bring this camera (it was giving problem recently, I think I dropped it). The functions are similar to my old one but it's not as flexible..... bengang! And NO! I don't own a DSLR as some might think, mahai woooooo.... mana ada duit. I envy giler orang yang ada DSLR but masalah I, I malas nak angkut berat berat; then mana nye notebook I, iPod, PSP.... isk isk isk.... tak kuasa. I also plan to bring 2x 8gb, 2x4gb SD card, kiasu maximum kan kan kan.
I think for a traveller a smaller camera is more easy to carry. When I travel, I use my Canon G12 which take good enough shots instead of my Canon 500D:D
i love my S95 very much!
Whoa! Don't play play real pro...
nak magnet greece ye :D beli yg murah2 dah :D
I think for a traveller a smaller camera is more easy to carry. When I travel, I use my Canon G12 which take good enough shots instead of my Canon 500D:D
Memory card harus ada beribu-ribu lemonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn..hahahha... Selamat ke greece!
Baca tentang ni teringat kat SD card guy kat India yg u citer tu hahaha
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