Friday, December 27, 2013

Pasir Belanda - Kelantanese Homestay Owned by a Dutch Family

It was a trip I did back in March this year with Andrea, our yearly trip so called.

I first heard and saw Pasir Belanda on TV and later was left intrigue for the next few months, with Adam base in Kelantan, pending trip with Andrea and me; never step foot in Kota Bahru, Kelantan before, I guess.... why not?!

Praying hard that they have room available on the given date was stressful, hahhahaha..... and we were lucky :)

My request was that we cover wau-making (kite-making) and that is Adam's task ie to look for a wau-maker (an original wau-maker, zalim tak main suruh orang carikan. Hahhahaha....) and or course check out Pasar Siti Khadijah and whatever attractions there is in Kelantan. Yup! Adam was our designated driver, keh keh keh... *cheeky laugh*.

Anyway, we are here to talk about Pasir Belanda... so, let's start.

Located in Banggol just a few minutes from the city, Harry Mulder built 7 chalets to ensure privacy and exclusive attention to his guest. Harry relocated his whole family to Kota Bahru and since then, loving the lifestyle here.


Here you can rent a bicycle to explore the village area and aside, you can also take part in workshops like cooking class, batik painting or kite making.

We were looking for the Mak Cik house to place our breakfast order, obviously this is not the Mak Cik. Hahhahaha...

The Mak Cik's house...

Harry's house is facing the pool and river :)

The pool and breakfast area, LOVE IT!

Our patio.

Other facilities provided :
  • Big garden with playground and badminton field
  • Boat for peddling in the river
  • Swimming Pool cool off while enjoying the view
  • Laundry service
  • Taxi service

Super clean!

Pasir Belanda
Resort & Travel Sdn. Bhd.
Kampong Banggol, Jalan PCB (PCB Road)
15350 Kota Bharu

Tel/ Fax **60 - (0)9 - 747 7046
Mobile **60 - (0)11 2551 7487

Website :

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Teaser | Boathouse at Alleppey/Kerala Backwaters

I am currently in South India, a very challenging trip for me as it falls on Christmas and New Year celebration which resulted in expensive accommodation, closed venues and transportation problems. To know more, check-out this space for more stories.

I update my Instragram and Twitter regularly on my South India Trail, do follow me :)

Instagram : Lily Riani
Twitter : @lilyriani

Monday, December 23, 2013

Gopeng Heritage House & Gopeng Museum - by the locals for the locals

Surprised? Us too! 

Who would ever thought that a small town like Gopeng have their own little museum and guess what, it was built on the local initiative to create awareness and educate the younger generation on what Gopeng famous for; tin mining. There are two museums within walking distance that you should visit when you are in Gopeng or even in Ipoh (since it's a short drive of 20-30 minutes), that's the Gopeng Heritage House & Gopeng Museum. Aside form this 2 museums, do expect the upcoming attraction in Gopeng; murals, around this charming town. Will share more about them murals in my next entry.

Gopeng Museum
Initiated by Mr. Wong Kuan Cheong with the help of local community, built a museum for Gopeng locals. Mr. Wong donated his family house to turn it into a museum with no entrance fee charged. Maintenance is done by the community using fund donated by the publics.

Gopeng Heritage House
Time : 9.00am - 3.00pm (Only Open On Saturday & Sunday) 
Entrance Fee : Free
Address : 6, Jalan Sg Itek, 31600 Gopeng, Perak.
Tel : +6016-542 1287

Gopeng Museum
Another Gopeng community initiative to educate publics on tin mining history; what Perak was famous for. Bernard Yaw, a banker by profession fulfilled his mother wish by opening a Gopeng Museum thus rebranding the town of Gopeng.

Here they list down the history of tin mining, the equipments used, as well as the lifestyle of a Chinese tin miners back in those days. Their main objective is to preserve historical items of Gopeng future generation.

Gopeng Museum
Time : 9:00am - 5:00pm (Only Open On Friday to Tuesday) 
Entrance Fee : Free
Address : No. 28, Eu Kong Street,31600 Gopeng, Perak
Tell : +605-359 782

Credit to IpohCity

As a traveler, I truly mesmerize by their passion, courage and initiatives, hence I urge both my family and friends visiting these places to contribute and support them.

A #VMY2014 #Perak Media Fam Trip in collaboration with #GayaTravel

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Ondeh-ondeh Buah Melaka, Jonker Street

Ondeh-ondeh buah Melaka
Hidangan panas di petang hari
Warisan budaya rakyat Malaysia
Makanan enak penyejuk hati

I seriously have no idea what got into me, my past entry on Melaka is on food - Haramjadda (you can read it HERE) and now this. I am on the roll.... Hahahahhaha....

Farah and I was strolling on Jonker Street not knowing what else to eat buy, we bumped into this small shop with a loud signage shouting Ondeh-Ondeh Buah Melaka, like an archeologist stumble into El Dorado, we both screamed in delight. Taking out our gear (read : camera) to shot some photos (while eating the ondeh-ondeh. Kalau tak makan macam mana nak review, betul tak? Kaaaaan....).

Before the shooting starts, we first purchased a packet to confirm (sebenarnya memang nak makan) of it's yummeh taste, true enough; it was HEAVEN! The warm ondeh-ondeh's gula melaka (palm sugar) burst and melt in our mouth. PERFECT (terus beli lagi 2 packet, ni orang panggil tamak haloba).

Feeling assured, we sought permission from the owner to do some photo shoots. Permission granted (sebab I comei).

You can easily google the recipe hence I won't be sharing it here (else kena tuka blog jadi blog resepi makanan lak nanti). Basically the ingredients are glutinous rice flour, pandan juice, palm sugar, grated coconut and a pinch of salt. That's it, easy peasy.

If you ever visit Melaka, you must must MUST eat their ondeh-ondeh as it is a Melaka delicacy. Kalau tak, tak sah (tuh dia....).

You need to boil the ondeh-ondeh till it's fully cooked before rolling it on grated coconut.

Ta dahhh....... 

Friday, December 20, 2013

Crazy House in Dalat, Vietnam (Hằng Nga Guesthouse)

Crazy people having crazy fun in Crazy House.
So, yah.

The front entrance looks normal but wait till you visit the inside, you will be speechless... you'll wander and wonder.

Vietnam entry
Manual Roller Coaster at Datanla Falls in Dalat, Vietnam

There is a few reason why I included Crazy House in my itinerary.

Why visit The Crazy House
  • Inspiration of Spanish architect Antoni Gaudí (my favourite)
  • A touch of Salvador Dalí and Walt Disney (weird combo, I know)
  • From Wikipedia "A “fairy tale house”, the building’s overall design resembles a giant tree, incorporating sculptured design elements representing natural forms such as animals, mushrooms, spider webs and caves." Aren't you curious? Like seriously...!?!
  • 10 guestroom for travelers to book/stay (speechless..... would you stay here??)
  • Vietnamese architect Dang Viet Nga. She herself.
Dang Viet Nga "Wall of Fame".

Dang Viet Nga, a Vietnamese architect and daughter of Truong Chinh; a Vietnamese communist political leader and theoretician received her PhD in architecture from the University of Moscow. She start building the Crazy House or Hằng Nga Villa since 1990 and target to complete by 2020. Resembling Gaudi and Dali touch, perhaps those of Disney fairy tales too, Nga's design features odd and weird looking shapes, branches and trunks, split yet interconnected levels, twist and turn tunnels, animal theme rooms, wooden carved furniture among others. Her design challenges your logic  and concept of a house, one that is fun to visit.

Tree trunks out of nowhere.

Odd looking narrow bridge connecting from one building to another.

I don't think this building is ready (pretty sure of it) but somehow we found a way to enter and wander inside, seriously, it's very dangerous.

My sis wanted climb one of those snake like narrow bridge and I was so worried it might collapse (as it is still under construction; this specific area), so I kept screaming telling her not to go further... hysterically. Even my sis pun naik menyampah kat I. Hahhahahha..... drama giler. But seriously, the bridge railing is pretty small and low, the steps are uneven and of odd sizes, if one loses her balance... yikes! You know what I mean?!

The 10 rooms are open for public to stay, but I doubt you will be comfortable as people come as early as 9am to wander around and probably trying to peep into your room. Hahhahahhaa..... confirm terkezut kot!

The price per room per night range from USD25 to USD114 excluding breakfast. One may stay here for fun and for the experience.

Bear room.

This picture was zoomed tau.

This is the owner, she will greet you at the counter :)

Hang Nga Villa
03 Huynh Thuc Khang Street
Ward 4, Dalat City
Tel : +84-63-3-822-070

Email : or

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