Been quiet for a while aren't I? Been sick actually, no mood to do much except reading Facebook or people's far those I've read are quite entertaining and kept me in sanity check from this annoying flu bug. ARGHH!!!!!
To make matter worst, I have to go to Hong Kong for regional marketing meeting (YUP! Business Travel), I mean... it's no fun when you are in a shopping country on a BUSINESS trip and feeling miserably SICK!!!! What the @&$%!
I didn't manage to get anything for anybody, so; don't go make puppy face and have high hope oh me friend out there. Forget about it! BUT luckily for me, UNIQLO was just next door hence manage to get sis stuff, went to Mongkok and got 2x cheapo cardigan (so that I don't feel bad for not buying anything for moi). And as usual, I bought shampoo - ie 3x 1000ml shampoosss... it's cheap there for the brand I wanted (luggage darn heaving after that man!). Other then that?..... Nothing! Nada! Nope! Zilt! Zero!
Hemm.... ANYWAY, Back to my main topic - business travel. I don't care what other people says, to me it will always remain the same - bosan. Despite business travel oversea is a joy to some people, definitely not to me lorr....
For a few obvious reason:
1. Preparation
Business - meant slide, meeting, presentation, work discussion, measurement, numbers, expectation etc etc etc and the list goes on.
Personal - meant what to wear, weather to adhere, sites to cover, shots to take, food to try, people to meet etc etc etc and your heart will be flattered.
2. Dollars
Business - ALL PAID BY COMPANY! (The fastest way to out on weight too!!!) Personal - budget hostel, budget food, budget shopping.. BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET
3. Packing
Business - suits, suits, suits and more BLACK suits
Personal - colours, colours, colours and rainbows BEAMING.
4. Appearance
Business - full force make-up
Personal - everything goes - no make even better
5. Gadget
Business - Notebook, notepad; all to take note of
Personal - Camera, Sony PSP, iPod, Mini notebook; all for entertainment
6. Responsibility
Business - All must be captured, measurement & reported
Personal - NONE!
7. Mode
Business - Touch & Go!
Personal - Look See, Look See
So, business travel or real travel for you?
To make matter worst, I have to go to Hong Kong for regional marketing meeting (YUP! Business Travel), I mean... it's no fun when you are in a shopping country on a BUSINESS trip and feeling miserably SICK!!!! What the @&$%!
I didn't manage to get anything for anybody, so; don't go make puppy face and have high hope oh me friend out there. Forget about it! BUT luckily for me, UNIQLO was just next door hence manage to get sis stuff, went to Mongkok and got 2x cheapo cardigan (so that I don't feel bad for not buying anything for moi). And as usual, I bought shampoo - ie 3x 1000ml shampoosss... it's cheap there for the brand I wanted (luggage darn heaving after that man!). Other then that?..... Nothing! Nada! Nope! Zilt! Zero!
Hemm.... ANYWAY, Back to my main topic - business travel. I don't care what other people says, to me it will always remain the same - bosan. Despite business travel oversea is a joy to some people, definitely not to me lorr....
For a few obvious reason:
1. Preparation
Business - meant slide, meeting, presentation, work discussion, measurement, numbers, expectation etc etc etc and the list goes on.
Personal - meant what to wear, weather to adhere, sites to cover, shots to take, food to try, people to meet etc etc etc and your heart will be flattered.
2. Dollars
Business - ALL PAID BY COMPANY! (The fastest way to out on weight too!!!) Personal - budget hostel, budget food, budget shopping.. BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET
3. Packing
Business - suits, suits, suits and more BLACK suits
Personal - colours, colours, colours and rainbows BEAMING.
4. Appearance
Business - full force make-up
Personal - everything goes - no make even better
5. Gadget
Business - Notebook, notepad; all to take note of
Personal - Camera, Sony PSP, iPod, Mini notebook; all for entertainment
6. Responsibility
Business - All must be captured, measurement & reported
Personal - NONE!
7. Mode
Business - Touch & Go!
Personal - Look See, Look See
real travel hahahaaha....ehh btw not h1n1 hor? hahhahah take care
nak hk nyer magnetttttttttttt :)
Oh dear hope you are getting better have more good rest drink plenty of water. Agree biz and personal trips are in total contrast. Thankz for dropping by and offering to get me the postcard & fridge magnets. Not an avid collector but won them as prizes during contest by bloggers. No worries over them thankz once again. Take care. tQ
Hope you get better soon!
dont think so lar.. flu oni.
sure, memang extra pun
thanks for your thoughts. no prob, if you need, i can spare some :D
thank sweetie.
I hope your feeling better!
Is personal travel with the business budget an option?
wow nice!!! i miss hk very much ><
Never had a business travel, so I can't compare. But my gut feeling tells me you're right. I rather walk around with my DSLR and take photos than dozing off in some meeting, that doesn't interest me. At least it's for free :P
Am seeing doc for the 2nd time. thanks for your concern...heheheh personal trip on biz budget? ehhehhe.... too expensive.
the good foood huh!
DITTO!!!!! dont mind the free part but mind the meeting part...HAHAHAH
Awww, so sorry to hear that flu bug came to visit you. Hope you're feeling better now.
I still remember when I fell terribly sick in HongKong ... didn't get to enjoy much but spent a bomb on aspirin!
Anyway, I don't mind business travel ... it depends on the purpose of the trip but definitely real travel's the one to go. Cheers!
now am recovering sloooooowly.
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