I was reading Chawanna & Biqque blogged about their newly procured DSLR, I also jealous mealous lar ofcos... it has been my dream to own one (YES! Don't rub it in, I haven't gotten my baby DSLR yet! sob sob).
I posted this on my FB just weeks back but since now that everyone in the mood/mode, why not I too jump into the bandwagon (I figure, might as well lo...). They kinda make me excited pulak. Hehheheee.... the power of blogging!
I posted this on my FB just weeks back but since now that everyone in the mood/mode, why not I too jump into the bandwagon (I figure, might as well lo...). They kinda make me excited pulak. Hehheheee.... the power of blogging!

Few features that I look forward to :
Toy Camera, Retro, Starburst, Fish-eye
They even have cooler playback :
Toy Camera, Monochrome, Retro, Color, High Contrast, Soft, Extract Color, Starburst, Sketch Filter, Water Color, Fish-eye, Pastel, Slim, Miniature, HDR, Posterization, Base Parameter Adjustment, Custom Filter
The rest of the spec :
That's it.......
Now, where's the link to Air Asia.....? hemm...
PS : Biqque, that's why lar I mesti gi Nihongo nih... I mengidam ni since last year okay!
Wow! Very colorful Pentax DSLR!
Do you want to get one?
Does it come with a pair of sunglasses ? !!
omg...damn i wanna switch to pentax!!! lol
patutlaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! i MEMANG kena gi japan (wah kena tu) sbb dah lama i NAK pegi japan...so frustrated la aritu! let's plan together for japan ya? maybe 6 bulan terakhir 2011?
daijoubu ne, lily-chan! watashitachi ga ittahouga iidesu! ganbatte!
still in plann.. praying!
Hahhahaha..... you bet!
apparently the brand is not bad, but inmsia not popular as in otehr ctries.
i kene belajor ler apa maksud u tuh eehhehe.... if i dpt pegi end of this yr pung, i tetap gi again with you next yr! janji.
Lily, go and pamper yourself therefore go and get it, it wil sure make you feel very happy one,, i reckon.
By the way, i am not into photography,but i like seeing nice pictures as well and this color babdy dslr pentax is so cool lah.
So don't worry about it ya go and get it if you feel go about it...
Life is short so they say,so dont wait go go go
aww... you are sooo sweet. my friend said she cant take me seriously with funny looking camera but i told her this camera is very me. hence, i will take your advice adn GO GO GO and get myself one! Thanks!
get it now plssss!!!
these cams are sooooo damn cool! i've been wanting to invest in a good one and take up learning photography since some time ...i think you've just tipped me over with these colourful ones now, darling =)
Haha, I think these cameras will downplay your professionalism.
But it will be a great topic starter with fellow photography enthusiast.
There is only one Lily Riani in the world, show them your true colours, haha!
i soo will!
get one please then we can be camera buddy!
shingo t,
i so LOOOOOVEEEE your last line. ehehhehehhe
OMG!!!!!!! I'm absolutely sold too! You gotta be kidding me!! Just LOVE this!
ox tash
Wow LilY,
Those are colourful DSLRs! You getting one?
OBBBSESSED....LIKE RAINBOW OBBSESSED!!! I don't think a camera could look any hottter or be more exciting!!! FABBB!
What a RAD post! kisses
xoThe Beckerman Girls
kalerfulnyerr.. ehehe
come, lets join the club!
the unit only avail in Japan, planning a Japan trip soon.
The Beckerman Girls,
i absolutely love it too! i think US & EU is selling it.
tuh lar... jom lar beli.
My oh my so colorful one, go grab one asap. tQ
Lily has the same, only in white, and I love it!!! I don't like colorful, tho =.=
Go grab one Lily ... fly to Japan if you have to! It'll be so YOU!
Wow I have not seen these. Amazing.
yes yes yes... i really will.
i noticed too :D i have been pending on this as i want a lithium batt instead of AA. finally!
you read me soooo well.
beach vintage,
interesting huh! now photography looks cooler.
Dang! They are way cool! This is my very time to see colorful DSLR. I hasn't got my DSLR too *always dreaming to have it hehehehe*. So, no worry, you got a friend here :D
hello Pretty Lady!
sorry i have missed your posts!
are you still traveling?
what a fun post here... hmmm... would love to get one!
i wish you a beautiful weekend okay!
lets get it together!
thankf for finding time to read my post. really appreciate it.
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