Hope you don’t fall sick
As I read your entry
That you wanna go oh so badly
To the Theme Park Disney
In the island of Hongkie

After weeks of searching
She had booked for 2 families
To see Mickeys and Minnies
Oh! Don’t feel sad
Nor be mad
I have a suggestion
To make you be glad
hahahah siap ada lagu nih huhuuu feweitttttttttt
aaaaaaaaaaaa i tot it just another disney-salt on my wound....but it's notttttttttttt!
aaawwwww...i'm touched...when can it be happened my dear? sob sob...
sonoknyerr nak gi disneylannd kanns.. ehehe
tetiba rasa ada mood.
boleh but sakura season confirm cannot, i will be in korea.
yes.... disney memang bestest!
I love Disney Sea. The closing show at the sea featuring a mechanical moster is the BEST show I ever seen.
shingo t,
really, do give me tips on what to see there, there's high chances i might e going thr this december.
awwww soooo cute and adorable! i wanna be a little girl and go to Disney Sea now!!! =)
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