The last trip (or should I say my first) to Korea was in 2002, that’s like eonssss ago. I can barely remember the details. But I do remember that I had fun ie LOADS of them. I went there with my best buddies; Anna, Erica, Angie and hubby David.
It started months earlier when we were complaining to each other that we never been to any "out of the country trip" together (we did a lot of individuals though), hence we came out with this “smart” plan that we shall visit a country where none of us been before. After loads of research (by Angie), she decided Seoul it is; despite that she been there a year or two before BUT with one CONDITION, we must take the ski trip package (to avoid redundancy in places of visit) for her sake. We agreed as usual, not much of a fussy lot we were (still are - simple Simon!).
It was kinda reasonable package back then at RM2198 full board (if I remembered it correctly), 5D4N I think. Seems like a good deal.
Since the trip was fully planned my Angie, thus lazy me don’t even remember the itinerary etc (I mean, Angie IS a super planner), all I did was take pic and look pretty. Hence, my story will be kinda brief instead of those daily detailed ones.

WELL! WELL! WELL! What do you know, there‘s water everywhere ie SEA (or lake? Hemm…), and the beach is covered with SNOW. Boy! What a sight to behold. I ran in and told my friends and (but of cause, this usual happens) they too ran out to take pics. Hehheheh… we created quite a commotion in the tour group of 20s which am pretty sure the tour guide decided to hate us by then. Hahhahha….

There’s this thing I hate about when taking tour package, they tend to time every site seeing places giving you probably 20-30mins per venue. Argh…. That’s not enough for people like me! Must go again obviously!

Hahahaha…. Sorry!
Hyperlink credits : Wikipedia
I agree the attached picture(s) to be published in an upcoming My World issue. I am the sole owner and copyright holder of the image(s).
Thanks for commenting on my blog. I enjoyed reading your travel story in Korea. I could tell that you guys really had fun! It's sort of shame that I haven't been to my neighbor country, South Korea...
Thanks for sharing and have happy Holidays.
Winter Sonata, hey who knows kan, if you were to stay in Korea long enough, mungkin you had become the korea drama queen already hahahahah
what a beautiful post! I wish you many wonderful trips for the next year too :)!
loved you blog, you have amazing skill. one day i shall visit your country, soon i hope.
am drama queen whenever wherever, ahhahhaha....
thank you for your kind complements :D i pray hard to, target santorini.
oh my goodness that looks breathtaking! i am dying to see some snow this winter!
This looks like it was an incredible trip, even if the tour guide didn't give you enough time to get the pictures you would like at the different stops (I have the same problem). I look forward to seeing more great photos of your trip.
heheh last time i pegi pun still ada snow lagi kat mount soerak.. sejukk besh besh ehhee
you guys are fortunately, malaysia is summer all year round.
yeah, thats what happen if you take tour packages, limited time, loads of places to cover. sigh... will post more.
kan kan kan!!!! but kat ski resort too cam ada blizzard, tak tahan!!!
traveling with friends is fun. my friends and i have been talking about traveling as a group to Cambodia. i hope it's going to push through next year. i love to experience snow, too.:p
What magical snow photos!
You look so happy in the pictures, make me wanna go too. Happy New Year 2011!
You got snow too, almost as much as we have here in Sweden. Nice to read about your trip.
Thank you for your comments on my blog.
Happy New Year!
Winter Sonata huh. This drama truly captured a lot of aunties heart. Lovely pixz tQ
luna mirinda,
cambodia is fun, i hope you dream come true on traveling with friends, its gonna be loads of fun!
thanks for dropping by my blog and giving me kind comments.
Autumn Belle @ KDP,
thank you so much, i hope you get a chance to visit too.
happy 2011!
malaysia doesnt have snow sadly, its summer all year around. the pic was taken during my trip to korea. been to sweden but there wasnt snow during my trip though.
yup! to this date, i havent watch it. i probably catch a glimpse or two but clueless of the whole series. saw alot of crying though.
It was AWESOME dear. I nak skiing jugak. Hopefully kat Beijing punye ok nnt.
jom jom jom kite ber-ski!
You are too cute in these pictures! Some of my favorites :)
those were the days, young and innocent. ahhahah
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