Yeah I know! I have not been a good girl to my darling blog. Sigh... I have absolutely valid reasons (excuses) here.
1. I got "promoted" to a regional role - now I manage Asia Pacific & Japan country (YIPPEE!)
2. They haven't gotten the new hire to take over my role - hence am doing double role
3. Another Business Unit (BU) manager move to sales role - guess what!?!! I agreed to stand in (YUP! 3 role NOW! SUCKERRRR!)
Can anyone be more stupid and silly then me? But strangely.... the busier I am, the more efficient I be. Is this even normal?
I think it's that thing in our brain that pump that natural drug in our body.... I can't remember what's it is called. Endorphine or something... if this is; then GOD is prettttty SMART! Hehheheh....
Guess what????? I received MVP award (Most Valuable Person), the prize is a FREEEEE trip (Yes! You heard me right!) to Hong Kong. Staying in Disney Resort, free Disney passes AND I can bring a friends FREE of charge. Of which got me thinking....
Hemmm.... I heard a HongKee friend of mine said that Japan package is cheaper from Hong Kong then Malaysia by HALF!!! (SIOU!!). You can guess it by now right... I google (what else mah) and got myself an RM2,000 return flight + 6 nights hotel stay departing from Hong Kong. WOW! That's darn CHEAP!
Due to my stupid busy schedule (by choice), we applied the the Japan visa kinda late, and it got rejected last week... PANIC giler... but eventually it went thru and we got back our passport on Monday. PHEW!!! (A bit worrying as we have booked our flight and hotel!).
Anyways... all when well. Am flying off on Wednesday morning and arriving in Japan in the evening. This will be the FIRST and MOST unprepared trip I ever experienced as I DID NOT do any research whatsoever.
Pray me good luck!