Some of you guys knows that I collect Hard Rock Cafe (HRC) shirts and shotglasses kan kan kan.... Well, this is to add to my collection. But I forgot to take a pic of the shotglass though. Apa apa ler...
The pic on top is Mykonos's, the cafe is yet to open but they opened the merchandise store first; to attract the crowd I suppose. Lee Han (my colleague) wanted the city shirt BUT I thought this was way cool-ER, so TOO BAD Lee Hann, you are sooooo getting this. Sebab my taste lagi better KAAAAAN..... (perasan!)
And ofcos, my cousin Isk is asked me to get all HRC shirt.... yang nih pun dia dapat. Yang nih tak leh kirim air liuq ehhehehehe.... leh bankrupt.
Yang nih pulak, it's MOI!!!!! Cun dak (vainpot giler) ? Check out the sleeve!!! Looks like tattoo gitus.... Hehhehehe...... masa balik nanti leh pakai sebab bawak baju memang saja kurang kan satu... (konon nye nak "JIMAT" luggage, cam real jek.... excuse tuh!).
Yang nih Isk nye gak... country shirt diarang abis, sooo he stuck with this, dalam facebook dia dah reply "Yeay!"; kira dia approve ler kot kan...
OK! Nih tricky sket, cos no one knows that Athens have 2 HRC, one is a cafe located in Syntagma Square and the other is a merchadise store in Glyfada. Soooooooo..... since no one asked for the one in Glyfada, I bought this for me-self. Not much choice here as it is only a store. I asked what is the significant of the ship, the lady said because Glyfada is situated at the Athens Riviera, THUS the ship. OOOOOOOoooooooooo..... hemmm....
Glyfada memang tak da magnet, so kena spent EU$15 for this magnet.... tuh dia.... not having dinner tonight ler sebab nak cover balik.
Side track sket, nih tuk my beloved sis.... WHOM is a Hello Kitty FREAK, dapat lagi satu barang collab for her. Sure grinning from ear to ear nih...
This one for colleagues in the opis, cost me EU$1.50 each, satu for home ler kot and another one for sis & her friends as usual. Else nanti ada ler dalam pesbuk tanya "uni, tak beli tuh kitarang keeee????" Tak sampai ati ler pulak nanti. Beli gaaaaaak ler tuk bebudak nih.
Yang this one lak for my bro, EU$8/=.... tempat belajar untuk menjadi SPARTAN yang terkemuka seantero.TUH DIA EHHHHH....
Kaler nih gurl sesangat but not my shirt, si Andrea tuh beli for her friend, I thought it was cute! Hehhehe.... same price as above.
My sis's collection of "I HEART xxx".
A perfect way to end this entry huh!
P/S : This is NOT the only things I bought, BAG DAH BERAT!!!! Nih belum sampai Santorini/Mykonos/Bucharest lagi nih.... ISH ISH ISH.... kacau!!!
Kemang, tak kaya lar.... But u noticed that i dont hv small trips cam u all, makna dia i lump all my money to bigger trip. Yg dkt i g masa dah tua n tak larat hehheehhe.....
Gil im ra, u size apa, if patah balik athens n jumpa i beli kan. But dlm sehari ni kena reply leeR
u mmg, kalo bleh beli topi trojan tu pun u bli hahaha!
brape berabis nie..:)
Biq, adek pesan but beraaaaaat!!!!!!
Maszuber, aside from shopping - rm5.8k, nnt i chite
huyooo.. byk nye shoping
untung org byk duit ni ;)
lily, i nak jd u punya adik beradik angkat voley? bleh mintak tshirt i heart greece jugak. hehehehe ;p
Kemang, tak kaya lar.... But u noticed that i dont hv small trips cam u all, makna dia i lump all my money to bigger trip. Yg dkt i g masa dah tua n tak larat hehheehhe.....
Gil im ra, u size apa, if patah balik athens n jumpa i beli kan. But dlm sehari ni kena reply leeR
r u serious?? omg! excited nih!! hahaha. takpe la lil, kesian kat u. later kalau x susahkan u, i nak postcard je..okeh~ :))
wahhh.. baik nye kak lily riani kite ni...pemurah !
btw kak, thanx 4 da postcard ! ;)
semoga dimurahkan rezeki yekkk..
omg!!! love all those t-shirts and souvenirs~ alalalala.....arghh!! wanna go there pls.
u balik bila ni? sempat tak kalo nk poskad? cecece.
Gil im ra, esok blk greece, pm address to insyallah if sempat i post.
Kemang, no prob but bucharest prob sbb poat opis pun ntah mana, postcard n magnet seksa nak cari
Bdk2, pm add, if sempat dpt add, i post kan. Email kat komem gil im ra.
I got much souvenirs! I got some ceramic handicraft and magnetic little things from Athens too!
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