Princess waiting for her Prince Charming
It has been long since my last entry, not even sure what or which trip to post up. Hemmm…. Perhaps my recent reccee trip in July09 to Colmar Tropicale in Bukit Tinggi, Pahang - Malaysia. Yup! We tried our best to replicate the real Colmar in Alsace, France…. Not even close, well… a little bit perhaps.
I think Berjaya need to put more thoughts and effort or maybe just hire me as the Marketing Director instead, hahahahhahaa…… I will do wonders there; so many ideas, so plenty opportunities and vast land for me to explore…. Heaven!
Back to my reccee trip, the last time I've been here was when they first launch which is more then 5 years ago. Back then, there was only 1 street of building, and it is still the SAME!!!!! Sigh….. That much for me to shout about. Oh well, at least the end result of my boot camp was what I consider different and successful! YEAY! That would be another entry all together…. The thing I do to “bully” them….ehheheh….. *evil laugh*

Since it’s reccee trip then I should mention that the room & toilet (crucial here) I reccee-d was good BUT BUT BUT the room I got during my event day sucks! As usual, during reccee, everything is in fantastic order until the real event - it’ll upset you like there’s no tomorrow!

I took my nieces up for this trip together with my sis (need extra hand since we have kids here!) and Wahidah. Told them not to put their hopes too high as I suspect nothing much for them to do from this place, but the little ones were super duper excited since I kept saying we are going to a castle *wink wink*, be prepared princesses. They kept asking (during my car “crawling” up the hill SLOOOOWLY) “uni, are we there yet? Or “ how far more are we?”, aren’t we eager here lil'ones! Love killing them with suspense….

We took a trip to Japanese & Botanical Garden located 3500 feet above sea level. Scary drive up…. Despite that it is ONLY 10mins drive up from the hotel. No cars allowed up there except for their own staff and their shuttle, therefore we all have to walk lar kan from the car park, with my leg after the operation and climbing the slop = AGONY! Typical Jap Garden, the zen, the pebbles, the hut, the stream, the Kois etc, it was fun running around.
Then ofcos there are the rabbit park and the garden of Lilies that I just have to brag… maharajah “evil laugh” again… :p It's all ABOUT MOI

The kids absolutely love the rabbits or at least Misha love the rabbits, Maira decided to join my sis eating the ice cream. And me? Getting the guys to come over to take a look at my car as the smell of break pad was soooo bad that it worries me like hell!!!! How am I gonna drive down the hill will kids?!??! Driving down the hill was even scarier then driving up man! The boys say that I look “pucat” ie pale upon getting out of the car, they even test drive around the hills for me; so that I look more “alive“. Was smarter after this trip as during the event day I manage to get my colleague to drive me up/down.. YEAY!
More on my boot camp!
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