~ This is not a paid advertorial, review is base purely on blogger's research/readings ~
Ended my 4D3N Chiang Mai entry, you probably wondering what happened to Day 4 right, well; it was first flight out form Chiang Mai hence there's no activity took place and I am the type that don't religiously practice taking in flight pics somehow UNLESS it was at sunrise or sunset OR group trip.
Also am gonna take a break from my Taiping entry. Need to space it...
About North Borneo Railway. So I decide to blog on the 'option available' or should I rather say on 'what my colleague will be doing on her trip to Kota Kinabalu, Sabah', the later is more like it. I was impress with her thorough research and the fact that she did not ask my help aside from the hotel location. Kudos Felicia! She was glee-ing whole conversation when I told her I will be out of followers/readers if she gets any better. Hhahahhaha.... detected Felicia abit perasan then, it's ok; you are allowed to gloat :D
Hence, over this quiet weekend of mine (aside from ferrying sis to work and folding mountains of clothes); I've researched to find and understand more (macam nak buat aje trip nih, hehhehe.... cause I was sooooo envious of Felicia. So obvious kan! Buruk attitude!) about this great activity option. Googled, open few screens, read some sites, wiki-ed mentioned places.... phemm.... I got it! I must go too (hope Felicia don't mind, ehheheh)!!!! No lar.... Basically I thought I should share this travel/activity option, however do bare in mind that it is slightly dear yah!
I gonna cut & paste from the official website as I don't think I can write any better unless I experience it first hand.
The romance of an old steam train..A ride on the North Borneo Railwayis truly a journey of rediscovery into the heart of Borneo as it transports you back in time to the days of yore.
The 1880's had brought about a great change in Borneo. The British administrators who came to Borneo were adventure seekers... MORE HERE
The Route
... is very interesting. The North Borneo Railway runs 36 miles between Kota Kinabalu, the state capital of Sabah, and Papar, an agricultural town, known as the rice bowl of Sabah. .... MORE HERETrain Schedule
The North Borneo Railway runs two weekly return departures (Wednesday, Saturday) from Kota Kinabalu to Papar, year round. Lasting approximately 4 hours, passengers experience the lush landscape of the coastal and rural regions of Sabah. A typical 'tiffin' colonial lunch…. MORE HERE
Itinerary :
09.30 am Boarding at Tanjung Aru Station - Breakfast is provided
10.00 am Depart from Tanjung Aru Station for Papar
10.40 am Stop at Kinarut Town - visit Tien Shi Temple or traditional shops
11.00 am Depart from Kinarut Station
11.45 am Arrive in Papar Town - visit local wet market and shops
12.20 pm Re-board train for return journey
12.30 pm Depart from Papar Station for Tanjung Aru
12.40 pm 'Tiffin' Lunch onboard
01.40 pm Arrive at Tanjung Aru Station

The steam train runs every Wednesday and Saturday and is priced at:RM 270 nett for adults
RM 170 for children between the ages of 3 to 12.
Complimentary for children below 2 years old.
The fare is inclusive of... MORE HERE
The Magellan Sutera Resort
1 Sutera Harbour Boulevard,
Sutera Harbour,
88100 Kota Kinabalu,
Sabah, Malaysia
Tel : (60 88) 308 500
Fax : (60 88) 311 136
Email : nbrinfo@suteraharbour.com.my
After seeing all the pics and info details, are you excited to try too?!?!? Me? I love trains... you can't imagine how excited I was when Felicia describe it to me.... I was thinking, how come I didn't know about this FIRST (giler kuasa tuh, hahahhhah....).
After all the reading, doubt I can slot it into this year's calendar despite it's my ultimate Cuti-cuti Malaysia 2012 plan. You heard me alright, this year's mission was to travel to as many Malaysia sites as possible for a change. Don't get me wrong though; I'll still be doing 1-3 short oversea trips but mainly focusing on Asia Pacific countries. No biggy.
Sooooo.... anyone would like to sponsor me for this trip? *Glee-ing*
~ This is not a paid advertorial, review is base purely on blogger's research/readings ~